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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
<a href="http://www.hemopet.org/clients/14145/documents/Resources_for_Sharing/Nutriscan_Article_2017.pdf" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Click here</a> for a rrecent article about the Nutriscan.

It's clinical effectiveness was just confirmed in a vet journal study.

Depending on the context of the case, it can be very useful. However many hyper-sensitive and allergic dogs end up testing positive for many of the proteins tested.Leaving a very, very limited diet that then needs to be balanced because of lack of variety.

One option that works well for some dogs, is to avoid these meat proteins altogether by feeding a vegan (but species inappropriate) diet.

This can still be be worth the 6-8 week trial required to see if it helps. Especially in pups plagued with out of control skin allergies.

While the internal balance is being treated homeopathically.

Dr. Jeff
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