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Now being told mange?!

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
I am coming here shouting, Over two years ago, Emma (dog’); itchy skins, paws, given sulf. 200c, days later looking like mange, ears bad,skins horrible. Terrible smell. Two homeo told me to do conventional to clear. Conventional vet did two mange tests to rule out mange at that time. Did that. No mites seen then. Emma clears great in conventional meds. Then started slowly to come back. Work8ng with homeo. Then different homeo. That one actually saw emma. Skins still itching, ears still shaking head, (This is all quick shouting here now, so obviously leaving out some stuff). Been washing sheets, beddings , feeding, cooking, researching for over two years.
Emma gets kidney disease. Think under c8ngrol with that, Maybe. Eats like a champ. So so thin. Hair is nearly 95 percent gone on her, Itches. Scratches. Ears goopy. Always being told that skin and ears are the most difficult.
Now being guessed mites again!!!!! Her immune system is very weak. Wash beddings in heavy bleach daily. No blankets etc. What about her dog coats??? Carpeting?? Douse her in almond oil and lavender oils daily to kill mites.
I am so so tired. So broken. Feel let down by each and every homeopath today.
Local vet told me he thought I was an intelligent person. And actually said,,what the f have you done to her carol? I feel awful.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear about Emma's difficult journey Carol. :(

Which conventional medications cleared up her skin originally?

Did your vet find mites on the recent skin scrape?

Are the almond and lavender oils what your vet is telling you to do at this time?

If this is sarcoptic mange it is very contagious so you will need to treat dog coats and carpets.

Do any of the people or other pets in the house have skin rashes?

Has Emma seen a dermatologist?

Please let us know if your vet diagnosed sarcoptic mange or demodectic mange. The latter is more of an immune problem rather than a contagious one.

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Thank you dr Jeff.

I have not seen conventional vet for this situation.

The two mite test were done two years ago, that came back negative.
Was given antibiotic, ketoconazole, shampoo(?); and ear stuff.

Being told now, not to do tests, as can be somewhat unreliable.

So mostly guessing that this is mange? Homeo vet is not one hundred percent sure.

Homeo vet suggesting the oil coverings daily, along with massive washings. Do not think I can totally do it all. She needs her coats and they are not prone to good washings, especially bleach.

No other pets in house.

I sleep with Emma. Not seeing a situation on me.

I’m assuming she has had mites, mange for two years, if that is what she really has NOW. She has been losing hair and itching and scratching and biting for over two years now. Now looks like dog in third world country after much much much heart filled dedication.

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
You are an incredibly dedicated pet parent and Emma is lucky to have you.

I am glad you have a place to vent. Sometimes that can help our feelings.

You have been working with excellent homeopaths, and have tried so many different approaches over the years with Emma.

Health, as we have discussed, is a journey that often winds back and forth and our environment may be a challenge that prevents healing in some animals and people.

While we know, from Hahnemann, and many later practitioners, that wonderful health can be achieved, this does not happen for each individual. Some of us seem to be on a more challenging journey.

A wonderful, now deceased, veterinary homeopath inherited a dog with skin so severe that she could only walk the dog at night or neighbors would chastise her. she kept treating the dog and after 5 or 6 years the skin became much better and the quality of life was great for a few years, then he developed a serious illness and died.

Now, practical - it does not sound like sarcoptic mange or you would have skin issues yourself. So I do not think the severe washing is necessary. And I know you are exhausted.

How is her BEAM? Is she less anxious on the walks? Is she willing to go for walks? Sounds like she is enjoying her food.

Maybe time to try a different homeopath, or switch to another modality, even if it may not be the most deeply curative. Dr. Judith Shoemaker is only one hour from you and has a wide range of healing approaches.

Dr. Christina

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Dr Christina, thank you for your kind and helping thoughts.
BEAM for emma is not so great. Appetite is definitely a good part tho. energy is lowering, She has not wanted to walk for good while. But could be cuz she is so cold. She does her little business in yard, and right back in. Does some cute barking here and there at deer. Used to enjoy snuffle mat til taken away with mange caution,
I don’t expect Emma to live forever, but would like to see her more comfortable with these ending months, maybe weeks.
I am on fence with looking for more, change of, help for emma. I’m actually exhausted from explaining! Hanging on with our work for now.
Thank you much Dr Christina, best to you.


VIP Member
Aug 29, 2017
Oh, my Carol. Drs. I know this is a holistic forum, but would it be so bad to try a conventional treatment? It sounds like it might be a last ditch effort. Sorry for even bringing this up.

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Hi Liz. Don’t be sorry! I’ve had same thoughts. But had been thru that about yr ago, all came back and worse, As we learn, conventional worked her symptoms, not her healing. I’m crazily hanging on with holistic and homeopathy for now. Don’t know where it all will go. She eats like a champ, enjoys her meals and treats. She is so good about having her ears cleaned with herb wash, and now daily slathering of almond and lavender oil, pretty much entire body. To do this til end of month. Then? Have considered new energy with “new” hoilstic dr, but right now, my energy is low, and it does involve so much effort in this healing realm, to explain and report. Staying course. Hoping to have positive news. Homeopathy did pull her into good direction when kidney trouble showed.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Carol.

Thanks so much to you and Liz.

I was about to say the same as Liz.

But I see that Emma already "failed" treatment.

It might be that a physical reduction in bacteria and yeast needs to occur in addition to homeopathy.

The fastest way to do this is sometimes anti-biotics.

Would you like to talk this week Carol about your vet decisions for Emma?

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Hi Dr Jeff,

I feel a talk with you could be helpful! Thank you!

Does this Friday 2/21 work for you?

Estimate of dates,,conventional meds,,
2018,,April thru &June
Ketoconazole and Rilexine
(Emma lost appetite, or feeling nausea, with these)
ThyroTabs also start in 4/2018

Recall being scolded for worsening things for emma by giving her these drugs.

Thanks again Dr Jeff. Please just let me know what will be a good time for you to chat.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
OK, let's talk soon about Emma's BEAM, quality of life, and your next step.

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Thank you Liz,,, I will look into. We never know what might be the “thing” that brings some good support,


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2019
Hi Carol...Have you tried essential oils by AnimalEO (by Dr. Melissa Shelton) for Emma's condition? I don't have first-hand experience w/ treating mange but I think I've seen others posting about treating mange with her essential oils. If you're open to it, she has a FB group and I know she personally responds to questions. Hope this helps.

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Thank you for this information.
Actually have AnimalEO Yeasty Beasty from about year ago. I’d forgotten about it! Never used it tho. Peppermint oil is an ingredient, and Emma was and has been on remedies. We’re still not sure it is mange with Emma. I always think fungus, yeast, etc

Maybe, Dr Jeff, if you see this note, have a thought on the peppermint oil and homeopathy.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Thanks for asking Carol!

Peppermint and other potential "antidotes" to homeopathic medicines are fine to use in most situations.

The rare exception are those individuals that are super sensitive to the peppermint. This is true for coffee (in people), and other things that patients being treated with homeopathy are told to stay away from.

In this case you would see a strong reaction (good or bad) to the oil or a sudden negative shift in symptoms.

Just try to avoid using peppermint or other strong odors around 36 hours before and after homeopathic dosing.

Emma should be fine with it and they could help her a lot.

You can also ask @Dr.Melissa in the essential oil thread that is being started today.

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Thank you Dr Jeff.

Been slathering ol emmas body with coconut oil every few days lately.

I will look into asking dr Melissa also.


VIP Member
Feb 11, 2018
Thank you Dr Jeff.

Been slathering ol emmas body with coconut oil every few days lately.

I will look into asking dr Melissa also.
Hi Carol,
I was just doing a search for any product that could help me with Sarcoptic Mange.
It has not been proven(and often isn't) by skin scrape on 2 of my dogs but having had a family of foxes living in our yard for 2 years and now having none..the last one seen was not in good shape...I am for the time being going to assume it is quite possible I am dealing with mange.

Long story short, I found this product and thought I would pass it along. If you have heard of it or tried it please let me know but it sure sounds promising.

Cure mange naturally with Happy Dog Naturals' holistic treatment program. The main product is essential oils plus an activator called Mite Avenge. It works on all types of mites.
I am interested in trying the Mite Avenge, Marshmallow mange Mud and the Speed Heal. I have an email out to them to see if the product stains white coats.

This company only has and only deals with mange. I am hoping that it might be helpful for Emma as well so wanted to pass it along.

I am so sorry that you and Emma have had such a long and discouraging journey not to mention Emma's long term discomfort. She is very lucky to have such a great caregiver.

If anyone else has had experience with this product please let us know.

Carol L.

VIP Member
Jun 26, 2018
Hi J,
Thanks so so much for sending this information, really a great site for information.
I am very sorry you are having a challenge with mange also.
All the dogs I’ve been blessed with, never had this situation.
It’s worse than fleas!

After reading happy dog site, listening to dr Karen Becker video, I’m still wondering if emma has”generalized” mange? Not a good situation either.

I have, again, sent email to Emma’s homeo vet.

On another note,,,
Emma had kidney flare up in November. Put her on Darwin’s ks diet right away.
After listening to Answers HA webinar weeks ago, i started emma today on Answers kidney diet.
I will report how this goes also. Always hoping for best, as we all are for our babes,
Please let me know how things are for your two dogs.

Thank you again!!! You were very helpful.
Best to you.

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