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Nonstop ear itching and started going deaf...


Community Member
Apr 8, 2024
Hello, I would love some health with Mamita, 10 years old, spayed female. She's 50% chihuahua, 25% shitzu, 25% unknown or possibly Brussell's griffon. She's 7.5 lbs.

BEAM: She has lost two pounds and that made a huge difference in her energy. She was sleeping all day and coudlnt' walk half a block on our walks. So we put her on a diet, reduced her food and she is like new now. She's now alert, playful, walks longer distances and guards by the door, loves to bark at passing people. When she gets nervous if people come to the house she starts barking like crazy and/or licking the human near her. She also tries to hump my husband's leg when he's sitting on the couch, even though we tell her no. She has nervous energy. When too many people are around she starts getting pouty and wants people to get away from her. She threatens with biting them althgouh she only has a few teeth left. Her appetite is great, however, she consistenly revisits her plate through the day as if she's hungry and licks and licks hers and her brother's plate. She also vaccums the kitchen floor trying to find crumbs. We thought it was maybe because she's a rescue but we are not sure.

She eats Darwin's turkey veggies however when I've tried to go raw with her (currently cooking it for her), her stomach growls all night and in the morning she throws up and has diarrhea. She's always had a bad digestive system or stomach pains or reaction to raw food. Last time I tried to change her food she actually had a little dark purplish blood splattered with the diarreah. This happened before and she was trembling and ended up at ER a few years ago, they did all kinds of tests, scans and xrays and couldn't find anything. She has this same reaction (poop with a little dark red gooey stuff) if I feed her beef or lamb. When I switch her back to turkey or chicken she's fine no problem, as long as I cook the food. She currently drinks a lot of water, almost a little too much.

We adopted her approximately at around a year old. They told us she had been in and out of three shelters by year one (5 lbs) and we think she was over-vaccinated. She had little bumps by her butt and leg and other places which seem to be the areas where the vaccine was. They are pinkish red and grew a little but have stopped growing. Even though she had rabies vaccine and all her vaccines, the foster place wouldn't release her to me until she got another rabies because "they weren't sure." They told me she came from Ojai California and the last person returned her because she was "harrassing her 5 cats." When I got mamita at around a year old, her fur was like plastic. It was scary to touch her. She was afraid of the microwave and would cry. I have a feeling they fed her crap that first year. When I changed her diet to mostly raw dehydrated in her younger years, her hair turned soft and beautiful. What a change.

Mamita has been itching her ears on and off for about 6-7 years. She had dental surgery and most of her teeth removed at around 7 years old. She's 10 now. We have tried many things through the years but when we moved to Florida they got really bad. The ear itching got out of control and she became almost completely deaf. We saw a "holistic vet in Jupiter" who gave her a steroid. Sigh. He gave her Zymox plus and said she had yeast in her ears (it smelled a bit like fish) and was dark) - this improved about 10-20% one ear got better but the other one still worse. He told me to do it a second time. I bought another bottle and still not fixed. It may have improved 5% ish. Then I started giving her Ear Aide by Hawaii Pharm this seemed to improve her ear another 20% and some of her hearing started returning. Then recently the itching started again so I went on a holistic forum where they recommeneded Vetenrinary Formula Ear Therapy, which has improved another 5%. Some of her hearing has returned, praise God...however she is still deaf if one ear and itches her ear mainly when we are on a walk. The other problem, is her digestive system and pooing alittle bit of dark red almost like dried up gooey blood - only when I try to go back to raw, or when I go to darker meats. So I"m having to stay with chicken and turkey cooked, and she has no problem, but her poo is a little hard with cooked food, so having to add flax seed. If I transition her back to raw, she throws up, drinks a ton of water and tries to eat grass to balance her stomach. She's had stomach problems consistenly for many years and vets have not been able to figure out why she's so sensitive.

She is also very sensitive to heat and wants to come back from her walk faster when it's hot. When she was overweight it got even way worse. Luckily she lost the two pounds. She's very playful after eating and very loving. She loves to pick up her tiny toy and run arond the house for us to chase her. She is still nervous around strangers though and wants to bite their pants or bark at them the entire time when they come to the house such as maintenance people, etc. She is ultra scared of thunder, windshield wipers and rain in the car. Moving to Florida (from AZ and California) was tough on her because of all the rain and thunder storms. She huffs and puffs around the house when that happens and starts trembling.

Other than that she's the sweetest dog. Thank you @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve

mamita copy.jpg
She is soooo cute!

You have been with us for almost a year. Have you taken the 101 holistic course? Maybe it would be good to review. Then go to the resources tab, then the library and click on skin and ear problems. We start by reminding you that it is a good sign when the vital force can keep the symptoms on the surface. And it gives you many things to try that can decrease the itching! Definitely using "no" for any issue is not great.

Because there are so many issues (digestive, skin/ear, behavior) that have persisted in spite of some great things you have tried, it may be time for you to consult with a well trained homeopath. Certainly the "holistic" vet in Jupiter was not holistic. What was his name?

I would suggest Adriana Sagrera, Tonya Holonko who do virtual. also, a bit of a drive, but worth it would be Dr. Larry Bernstein in N. Miami. He learned homeopathy in the late 80s and has been president of the AVH and the AHVMA and continues to study and learn. Slightly closer is a homeopathically trained veterinarian who I have spoken with but have no feedback from members yet. Danielle Barberini.

keep up the great work,
Dr. Christina
And for immediate soothing of her ears, maybe try this:

I see, in her case, numerous symptoms that just scream for classical homeopathic treatment - most of which could only be very temporarily abated by any other means, including treatment "for" things like itching and digestive issues, temperament issues, skin problems. Each little thing she shows us is a part of her entire "basket of symptoms" - while they may seem unrelated, altogether they paint a picture of her condition, and clues which a homeopath will use to guide her little body to fix itself.

I am certain that there is a really effective course to follow here, one that will produce a calm, happy little girl who loves everyone, eats most stuff without an issue, and has healthy skin and ears. She is a sweet little thing, as you well know, and just needs a bit of help and direction to find herself and neutralize the effects of the horde of insults she has endured.

We will watch and wait, alongside you and her. She deserves this, and dearly wants to be free of all these symptoms so that she may show you her true nature. Ask anything, anytime.
She is soooo cute!

You have been with us for almost a year. Have you taken the 101 holistic course? Maybe it would be good to review. Then go to the resources tab, then the library and click on skin and ear problems. We start by reminding you that it is a good sign when the vital force can keep the symptoms on the surface. And it gives you many things to try that can decrease the itching! Definitely using "no" for any issue is not great.

Because there are so many issues (digestive, skin/ear, behavior) that have persisted in spite of some great things you have tried, it may be time for you to consult with a well trained homeopath. Certainly the "holistic" vet in Jupiter was not holistic. What was his name?

I would suggest Adriana Sagrera, Tonya Holonko who do virtual. also, a bit of a drive, but worth it would be Dr. Larry Bernstein in N. Miami. He learned homeopathy in the late 80s and has been president of the AVH and the AHVMA and continues to study and learn. Slightly closer is a homeopathically trained veterinarian who I have spoken with but have no feedback from members yet. Danielle Barberini.

keep up the great work,
Dr. Christina
Thank you SOO much!! I feel seen, heard, and peaceful, it's been a tumultuous ride trying to find the right support...I agree with you. Dr. Matt Parker Holistic Mobile Vet is who we saw in Jupiter who told me to give her that twice...I have taken the 101 holistic course and I learned a lot! I just watched it again last week. Thank you for the recommendations!! I don't mind driving far if needed!! Huge gratitude....
I see, in her case, numerous symptoms that just scream for classical homeopathic treatment - most of which could only be very temporarily abated by any other means, including treatment "for" things like itching and digestive issues, temperament issues, skin problems. Each little thing she shows us is a part of her entire "basket of symptoms" - while they may seem unrelated, altogether they paint a picture of her condition, and clues which a homeopath will use to guide her little body to fix itself.

I am certain that there is a really effective course to follow here, one that will produce a calm, happy little girl who loves everyone, eats most stuff without an issue, and has healthy skin and ears. She is a sweet little thing, as you well know, and just needs a bit of help and direction to find herself and neutralize the effects of the horde of insults she has endured.

We will watch and wait, alongside you and her. She deserves this, and dearly wants to be free of all these symptoms so that she may show you her true nature. Ask anything, anytime.
thank you so much! My heart is full, I feel heard, seen, and happy.
thank you so much! ordered

BTW-The web order did not go through so you may want to try again (maybe try a different credit card).

BTW-The web order did not go through so you may want to try again (maybe try a different credit card).
I tried to order again but it tells me I need a mininum order of 25 and won't let me....do I need to add items to the cart? Sent an email with the error message...
Sorry for the trouble.

Perhaps try one more time as there is only 1 of the ear mists left in stock.
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