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Need vet today for Lepto test and amoxicilan shot in CT near Danbury preferably


Apr 24, 2022
Found one! The people at Mt Pleasant have very graciously taken us in!

I've been working with my homeopathic vet back home and these cheap electronic thermometers are wonky. Getting 105.1 one min then 104.5 for my dog and it changes on myself too. I don't have a lot of money especially to be wasting because the thermometer isn't accurate. This high would indicate Lepto. We first assumed it was a toxicity due to a psoriasis topical that I was using that almost sent me to the ER so forgive me if my head id cloudy and I'm all over the place.
1.Is there a way to get an accurate reading?
2. Quick cheap vet that will do what I want based on my work with my homeopathic vet immediately?

The ER vet near me has a 4-5 hour wait ahead of me but we have to stay in the waiting room and tbh it's out of my budget and they don't carry amoxicillin. They won't do what my vet wants they will do what they want. Dr Rob was very kind enough to put me on the list and if they have time will call but that may not happen.

Please help, thanks
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@BijouK I'm glad to hear you found a vet that would take you in! How did it go? How is your pup doing? Any symptoms other than high fever?
Thank you! The vet techs kind of scared me with possible Pyometra of the uterus. She's not spayed only my male is but she's got milk coming in. I've had a spayed female who had false pregnancies like that before so who knows. They are testing for Lyme, Lepto & a CBC panel. They gave me doxycycline and at my homeopathic vets requests amoxicilan since she's had a lot of experience with it in the south and Dox doesn't have good results. She's feeling a little better. She's still excited and happy and wants to eat some things with eagerness just not too much of her regular food
@BijouK oh good to hear she is doing a bit better. Do you mind sharing what her regular food is? Fresh nutrient rich food, especially when she is not well, could be very beneficial.
And regarding pyometra, here is a good forum thread on it you may find useful.
If you have any questions to our veterinarians, please post them here.
Hi thank you. Sorry I had trouble with the site this weekend but we got it straightened out. Labs came back and she tested positive for Lyme and everything else looks good! False pregnancy.
I will look over the pyometra link you gave me as a preventative. Nyxie eats very healthy lots of fresh organic home made. Both dogs are on a special diet so that Nitro doesn't get sick.
She's on doxycycline and amoxicillin (for lepto) but taking her off that now and keeping her on doxycycline for the lyme. This is unfamiliar territory for me. I've worked with dogs for over 30 yrs and have never seen a case of Lyme. We've been living in the south though it's not as common. We get Lepto & heartworm there. Me and Nitro get ticks all the time here. I try to do everything without any prescription antibiotics. It's frustrating because I try to take them hiking almost every day when it's nice out or at least once a week.

I'm not sure what else there is I can do now. I'll have to do a ton of probiotics. I'll look through the files for lyme and recovery. Thank you so much!
I've been reading the ingredients of the products listed in the Lyme course for prevention and thinking of mixing my own neem oil with food grade DE to dust them with when we go out. I have a little spray left I got from Natural Pet in Boulder that acts as a repellent. We get a small amount of raw garlic in our diet daily but I'm thinking of increasing it now.
Hi Bijou!

I'm so sorry to be jumping in late to your discussion. :confused:

The key here is going to be optimizing energy levels, and its smooth flow, in order to help your pup (or any pet) maintain and regain health.

The very first part of energy gathering is using fresh food (vs. ultra-processed dry and canned foods).

As Aruna asked, what is your pup eating?

Does she have a good appetite and maybe even love a certain treat (or all foods!)?

If you haven't already done so, you may want to read through the HA! 101 course. It might give you lots of ideas about feeding, energy flow and helping to get her well (for only the cost of the food and treats).

In addition, one of the best free ways to optimize her body's ability to heal is by increasing her cellular joy. You do this by identifying and focusing on what brings her the most happiness, like Happy Meals, Love Therapy, Therapeutic Sniff Walks, etc.

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