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Need guidance to the extent possible with my 6-month old kitten


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2023
It's about Bodhi again ... we were well on our way to full recovery. She was eating raw food again, and actually taking in 4 raw meals per day, catching up from the reduced appetite she was experiencing the weeks following the ingestion of packing paper...during that time I had fed her Kasiks cage-free turkey formula for all stages of a cat's life, serving her cooked food that may have been easier on her digestive system while disintegrating and processing the paper out of her body.

I got the test results back from Animalbiome and her microbiome looked good. They did recommend that I add psyllium to her meals. But after a couple of days of doing this, she stopped wanting to eat her raw food and she did not care much about the canned food either, which appeared to have a bland smell... side by side, Bodhi had preferred the raw meat.

But something happened and now she won't eat either... I think that my nervousness still got in the way and contributed to this situation.

I have now resorted to giving her Fancy Feast's chicken feast in gravy that has a strong palatable smell along with kibble to get her to eat more, but it's a high-quality brand, kitten grain-free Rawmix recipe from Open Farm, which is a kibble coated in bone broth, with freeze dried raw chunks. Fortunately, she is drinking a lot from her water bowl.

She took to the Fancy Feast right away (was what had been served to her at her original home) and ate it with gusto. But now I find out that it's the McDonald junk food version of cat food. She is having bowel movements twice a day now and her stools are becoming progressively softer. I think this may be due to transitioning to this food suddenly the next day after noticing that she didn't want to eat her regular food.

This morning I gave her this Fancy Feast meal, half and half, with a much better quality food from Open Farm. She ate about 2/3 of it. She's not eating much of the kibble.

I really would like to know, if at all possible, how I can entice her to eat this other canned kitten food of higher quality, until I get her back in shape to try again with the raw food. Or what else I could do to get her to eat ... should I continue with the Fancy Feast, and add 1/2 tsp of pumpkin puree to firm up her stools, for the time being since I know she will eat that? ... But is it risking her getting addicted to that food and not wanting to try anything else later on?

And is it okay that I let her have 24-hour access to her kibble? I had put it aside during the night so that she would be hungrier for her wet food... but I don't think Fancy Feast is any better than the kibble.

Her beam is great, still alert, happy and playful... just trying to get her appetite going...

One main question is: would it be better for her to be just on the grain-free kibble, while drinking plenty of water and for me to withhold the junk food, Fancy Feast... or give her the Fancy Feast to make sure she gets wet food as well? ...

Any guidance would be so greatly appreciated
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve

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This morning I gave her this Fancy Feast meal, half and half, with a much better quality food from Open Farm. She ate about 2/3 of it. She's not eating much of the kibble.
That's great!
I really would like to know, if at all possible, how I can entice her to eat this other canned kitten food of higher quality, until I get her back in shape to try again with the raw food
Patience and perseverance
I had put it aside during the night so that she would be hungrier for her wet food...
but I don't think Fancy Feast is any better than the kibble.
Any wet food is better than kibble for a cat.

Her beam is great,
Fantastic! :snowman: 😻

Her appetite for foods other than FF will gradually also increase. Perhaps try playing with her before feeding. Or using a Mine Pet Platter to make mealtime fun.

One main question is: would it be better for her to be just on the grain-free kibble, while drinking plenty of water and for me to withhold the junk food, Fancy Feast... or give her the Fancy Feast to make sure she gets wet food as well?
My choice is to give FF. @Dr. Jean Hofve what say you?
Fancy Feast is absolutely fine. It's not super-duper ingredient quality but it's perfectly adequate and cats love it. If she likes it, she can eat it forever.

My cat Perry Christmas went through phases where FF was all he would eat, and I was grateful for it. I had trouble keeping weight on him (he had been a stray and had many health problems) and anything he would reliably eat was a godsend.

No kibble, no matter how fantastic it claims to be. The very worst horrible cheap-o canned food is better than the very best dry food. Dry food is dehydrating, heat-damaged, ultraprocessed... there is just NO upside to it.

Maybe let's just aim for her to have a good solid appetite for a month or two before worrying about moving her to something better. You don't need to add anything to FF, although a tiny tiny tiny *PINCH* of psyllium could help firm up the stool.
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