We adopted a puppy from a rescue group. Gus (yellow lab mix is best guess) is around 10-12 weeks old and his BEAM is great. According to his records, he was given Paracur for worms one month ago. He was given two Neopar vaccines and was eating conventional puppy food. Gus had a few fleas when he arrived. He transitioned easily to a fresh food diet and is great friends with Piper our other dog, and we adore him already. I noticed some tape worms in his poop this morning (In researching it looks like chemical wormers can cause expelling of segments but head remains and regrows...). I read various parasite threads on the forum and I noted Verm-X and Para-outta-site as natural options. Unfortunately, it looks like Verm-x for dogs is not available in the US now (unless I missed it somewhere) and the Para-outta-site is not available on Jackson Galaxy or any where else I could find. Does any one have updates on the products that have been mentioned in the forum? I also read that improving heath and diet leads in puppies leads to them naturally expelling the tapeworms so wondering if a wait and see approach is warranted following a healthy diet?