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Mineral supplement for dog with hemangiosarcoma and Protein losing enteropathy


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
I am asking for a good quality mineral/vitamin supplement brand and where to get it. Also a mineral only and vitamin only supplement. I have not been including this in my dog's homemade diet. I do include some B vitamins and Calcium but want to cover any gaps.. Thanks
Hey Lil-

Do you add any kelp to his diet? If not, Thorvin organic kelp is an awe-some source of minerals. There's a recording in your member area about Thorvin, minerals and kelp from a few years back (just search thorvin, kelp, etc. when you log in at the member area.

Also, Earth Animal, Dr. Dobias, and Pets Friend have great options but there are also many more. @Dr. Sue may have a favorite (or two), Also, @PandaBear from EA can point you to any of their products.

THANK YOU!! I have to study all this and my internet goes out most of the day so hopefully I can investigate these later today in detail I just posted a more grim problem but one step at a time and one action at a time... feeling a bit overwhelmed. Thank you again!
Hi Lil,

It's fantastic that you're home cooking for your dog! These are the vitamin and mineral supplements that I recommend to my pet parents:
Home | ivinutrition
The IVI supplements were developed by two boarded veterinary nutritionists and they contain whole foods along with synthetic vitamins. You'll want IVI blend along with one of their calcium supplements: Calgae if your dog is eating a majority meat-based diet (the calcium source is from red algae which is rich in other minerals as well - its a seaweed like kelp - and doesn't contain phosphorous) or TerraCal (made of bone meal and egg shell) f your dog is eating a more equal quantity of meat and veg. You start adding them slowly to your dog's meals.

Dr. Sue
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