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Kitty throwing up


VIP Member
Oct 11, 2021
  1. Your pet's name Miss Muffet
  2. Approximate age 14
  3. Sex Female
  4. Neutering status spayed
  5. Breed Tortoise shell
  6. Approximate weight 11 lbs.
  7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood) Playful, snugly, sweet, good energy, great mood
  8. Diet Honest Kitchen
  9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication none since 2015
  10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time I think it's always been there but really started around 2015 Sensitive stomach, no flea treatments, no teeth cleaning with anesthesia, etc.
  11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc? no
  12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them) no
  13. Current and previous treatment Vitamin C, barley grass, marshmallow root
  14. Other health concerns that's it, she throws up every morning
You can download the picture or document for future reference.180560858_953132902107335_6098423798743790789_n.jpg
Thanks, Donna, for asking about Miss Muffet.
Just to be clear, she has vomited every, or most mornings since 2015? Has she been on Honest kitchen that whole time?

Did the vitamin C, Barley grass or marshmallow ever help?
What is in the vomit? When int he AM is it? While still in bed, as soon as up, after moving around, after eating in the AM?

How late is she fed at night? Have you tried feeding her a snack just before you go to bed?

The good news is that she still seems to be a happy kitty.

Dr. Christina
Thanks for making your first post Donna. We're super happy to have you here with us in HA!

Dr. Christina asks some really important questions that will add context to the answer.

In addition to her question about the HK food, I wonder specifically which one you use, have you varied it and also if you've tried anything else recently.
Hi Dr. Christina! Thank you for replying!

No, she ate Primal Freeze Dried Nuggets for about 4 years and they changed the recipe, she was throwing up within about an hour after she ate dinner. But at first she did okay.

I just switched her to Honest Kitchen about a month ago and now she's not vomiting until right before breakfast. So, she's doing better on it, but there have still been about 6 separate days that she didn't eat much, in the past month.

The supplements didn't do much. I forgot I did cats claw for about 2 months (April and May) and that helped a little and then stopped helping.

Generally she throws up around 8-10 am. I guess after moving around some. I feed her @ 10. It mostly liquid, sometimes hair. About once a week, it'll be some food.

I feed her @ 7 pm. I offer a freeze dried rabbit treat around 11. She loves those, but when her stomach is upset, when she hasn't ate much that day, she doesn't want the treat.

Yes, she's very happy, always has been. I've had her since she was about 6 months old. I just want this to stop and her be 100%.

To: Dr Jeff, she won't touch the turkey. She eats the chicken. I haven't tried anything else.

Thanks Donna.

How's her BEAM been since you switched her food to HK?
It never has changed. She's always been like I described unless her stomach is upset and she'll lay around til she feels better.
unless her stomach is upset and she'll lay around til she feels better.

How often does Miss Muffet have these episodes, and how long do they last, Donna? As you'll see here at HA!, it's always helpful to know details of every symptom to help decide what to do (symptoms are the keys to Holistic Medical Decision Making).hmdm summary.png

Symptoms are great clues to what's happening internally and can be interpreted based on the 4 Ps of HMDM.INFOGRAPHICS 4 p's.jpeg

Are you working with a holistic vet or vet homeopath?
Every morning. It just lasts long enough for her to get it out of her. 99% of the time that's it and she feels fine, eats all her breakfast and goes on with her day. On occasion, less than every couple weeks, she won't want her breakfast, and sometimes dinner and lays around.

I'm not working with anyone. I live in the woods and a holistic vet or vet homeopath would be a couple hours drive.

Thanks for your reply Donna!

You might want to consider seeing any local vet for blood tests that get sent to the lab for internal symptoms like chronic inflammation of her pancreas.

BTW-Many holistic vets will work virtually as part of your vet care team.
I stopped taking them (I have 3 pets) to the vet because every time I did they would say we can't treat her unless she's up to date on her shots. I don't want to do more vaccines.

I wouldn't know where to begin on how to find a holistic one that I trust.

Also, couldn't I try whatever is standard for chronic inflammation of her pancreas and see if she improves?

Yes, I understand the rabies shot quandary (no other ones are "required").

@Dr. Christina may have other advice about finding and working with a holistic vet (or vet homeopath).

Maybe see what you think about working with the wonderful certified vet homeopath Judy Herman:

or Standard Process/food expert holistic vet Sue Howell:

Both of them are also available on this forum (you can tag anyone in HA! by using the @ sign then starting to type their name and select someone from the list that comes up, e.g. @Dr. Sue ).

There's also lots of resources about chronic vomiting, pancreatitis, etc. on the forum and in the member resource area. Maybe @aruna can point you to some (or search the forum and member site for even faster results).

Since every pet, person or other animal is like a snowflake (each one is unique) there really is no one specific good way to address chronic inflammation except to treat the underlying cause of internal energetic imbalance. That's what a vet homeopath, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, etc. may do.
Thanks so much! That sounds wonderful.
I love this forum!
I'll start my plan of action asap!

Thank you again!


@aruna could you help me please?
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