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Kitten constipated?


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2019
Hi @Dr. Jeff and @Dr. Jean Hofve

The kitten we recently rescued (she's about six weeks old now) does not defecate every day. Her BEAM is excellent. She's on a raw food diet with raw goat milk and structured water in the food. Some of the raw blends have veggies in them but some don't - we rotate them for each meal - she gets a variety. Two days ago, we noticed that she'd jumped in the litter box, dug then jumped out without peeing or pooping. The issue was resolved after we changed the litter box and added more litter to it - she successfully had normal poop that day. However, she didn't poop today. Is there anything we can add to her food to keep her regular? I have Pet Ion biome and fiber detox on hand...can I add those to her food? Thanks.
Hey Christine!

As long as she has an excellent BEAM and is passing normal poops every day or two, then I wouldn't worry.

Perhapsfocus on keeping her box clean an filled so she likes digging around in it.

Is she covering her stool?

BTW-If you have any of the Fiber Detox then a small pinch in her food once or twice a day might be helpful.
I use plain Vaseline to, um, "grease the skids" in a truly constipated cat. But if poops are normal and she's not straining, probably not an issue. Raw food is super-digestible and there isn't a lot of waste (far, far less than dry food!), so this may be normal for her, especially when she is getting little or no veggies. Cats whose digestion has been wrecked by commercial food need fiber, but that isn't natural.
"grease the skids"
o_O I read your articles elsewhere that you use vaseline! Thank you. We're seeing a pattern now - she goes every other day. I also learned from your article to try putting out two litter boxes which we did and guess what?! she pees in one and poops in the other! That's so interesting....Thanks for your guidance, @Dr. Jean Hofve
You're welcome Christine!
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