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Just recently blind 8 year old stubborn dog


Mar 15, 2023
My dog is 8 going on nine and few weeks ago she couldn’t see anymore. I have been trying to train her around house with a harness but she try’s to sit and doesn’t want to walk. She try’s to walk and figure stuff out on her own. She also has not pooped in four days. She is eating and I am giving her canned pumpkin. She urinates outside when I carry her to yard but doesn’t poop. Any ideas would be really helpful.
She was diagnosed with squamous cancer of the mouth 11 months ago and we went with charlotte natural clinic which dr Chambreau recommended and we been working with them since. She was doing well till she lost her sight. Today she finally pooped so I am happy. She is a strong dog with lots of enthusiasm. A little stubborn she buckles down when we put harness to take her around house to show her where everything is located. Like I said she try’s to venture on her own to locate stuff we have tried not to move anything so she can develop memory sense.
Glaucoma is extremely painful so hopefully she is being well treated for the pain.

If she has never worn a harness this probably isn't the best time to train; but leave the harness on--just don't attach the leash. "Lead" her around by putting her favorite treat right in front of her nose, and reward her frequently for moving forward.

For constipation, a big wad of Vaseline shoved between her back teeth to make her swallow it will help move the stool out, but she has to be willing to push. Give it a while to work its way down. Lead her out (not pull, not carry) to a usual spot, and and deeply massage her belly to stimulate her.

This is a very frightening situation for her and she doesn't understand, so tons of cuddles and pet-pets and treats and reassurance are essential. I would also suggest "Changing Times" flower essences from Jackson Galaxy to help her adjust.
Actually our homeopathic vet said it was due to vertigo. I have glaucoma on one eye and when I looked at her it looked like my issue. She doesn’t seem to be in any pain so maybe it is not glaucoma. It was after a bout of vertigo two weeks ago that she started to lose sight. Sorry for miss information. I gave her pumpkin two days ago and gave her olive oil today and she had a massive turd today?. Thanks for your advice though?
Yay for the poop!! I bet she feels a whole lot better!

Vertigo is unpleasant, but can be addressed by homeopathy as well as flower essences. Scleranthus in particular is a good flower remedy for it.
Any suggestions on blind dog trading if her blindness is permanent. We are taking her for a full checkup to our regular vet. Our homeopathic vet has just been communicating via phone and symptoms but has not seen her physically. So we thought we should take her for a physical exam. Any suggestions?
we thought we should take her for a physical exam. Any suggestions?
Great idea (an exam)!

Yes, lots of training ideas depending on the specific situation, e.g is she food motivated, does she love the outdoor, sniffing, what are her specific challenges.

You might want to consider a virtual consult with a trainer who has helped blind dogs before like:

You can also schedule on of your 15 minute HMDM coaching calls with HA! faculty, and amazing trainer, Jen Oppenheim:

Do you have an animal communicator on your team?
This would be a perfect time for you to learn how to clearly hear her and in the meantime work with one who can help you find out which senses are working for her. Maybe she is also having hearing or smelling problems.

Then you can use the food treats, etc. Most dogs I know seem to adapt very well to blindness, so stay positive with her and keep experimenting for what she actually likes and will accept for help. Do a lot of observing her for clues.

Dr. Christina
Thank you for advice. Doc said she had lost sight he guesses it is from cancer but was not sure. He told us symptoms of cancer advancing but he and we don’t see any advancing cancer symptoms. Thanks for all the training sites. Very helpful. This site is awesome and dr Christina helped us in the beginning of this journey with guiding us to the Charlotte natural vet clinic. That place and homeopathic vet is great!!??. This is just another journey in the life of lucy and us. As long as she is happy we don’t care if she is blind.
I notice looking at training site that they don’t talk about blind dog training. We have been using a harness to walk her around house to show her how yo navigate. She has need doing well with that harness. She can smell and hear since we had her ear infection under control with homeopathic vets help. I carry her outside because we have stairs that we have not shown her how to navigate yet. She does well cause when she goes out she smells ground and has a poop and pees. I take out three times a day. She eats well and is excited to see us when we get home for lunch and after work. Thanks for all your advice and help ✌️??
We got Lucy’s blood tests back and everything was good. We had a tick test done and she had gotten a tick borne bacteria. Our regular vet wants to give her antibiotics. We are going to ask our vet in charlotte if this is ok. They are closed till Monday. Any suggestions on giving her antibiotics?
It depends on what bacteria and how that may relate to her symptoms. Usually homeopathic medicine is all that is needed, for as the vital force (energetic field) balances, the body naturally resolves the symptoms and the bacteria. The bacteria are not the cause of symptoms - the imbalance is.

There is no problem waiting until you speak with Dr. Schacht (he is your homeopath, right?)

Great that the blood work was normal.

Dr. Christina
Hey Raul!
We had a tick test done and she had gotten a tick borne bacteria

Do you know if it was a 4DX tick and heartworm test?

This is the most common tick test for dogs.

However, this test only. shows exposure, not disease.

Fantastic to hear about the other tests being normal!
Thanks for all your help. Had a question about pain. How do I know when my dog is in pain. What are the signs and symptoms of pain. You guys have lots of experience and probably know best. What are the best homeopathic medicines for pain if it is present. I know homeopathy doesn’t work that way. Thanks have a happy thanksgiving everyone!!
Restlessness, mopiness, troubled sleep, moving about to find comfort. And of course any localized or "point" discomfort upon touch. Coming to you with complaints. Loss of appetite.

That said, your homeopath can help determine how to address the pain in perspective to the totality of complaints. One doesn't treat "pain", but rather the overall presentation, which may go a long way towards providing ease and comfort. In the meantime, give lots of love and sweet attention, nice gentle massage with perhaps emphasis on ears, head, neck and spine. Ask, with your mind clear, where she would most like your touch. As long as she likes it, you cannot do too much of this....

For your homeopath, collect specific symptoms: where it seems to hurt, when, what affects or or distracts the sensations - and of course all the usual signs of discomfort, appetite, desire for movement, engagement with the world. "Pain" is a huge and general topic, but one that can be very useful in determining what is going on. Keep us posted.
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