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Jin Shin Jyutsu


Community Member
Dec 28, 2021
I wanted to give a plug for this gentle Japanese acupressure. I have been doing traditional acupressure on my dog for a few years, with good results. However, I recently learned about Jin Shin Jyutsu, which is easier to do on him because I'm not putting fingers on him... I'm just laying my hands on strategic parts of his body. We do it while I'm watching TV and he's cuddling on the couch next to me. He thinks I'm lovin' on him, but nooo, I'm workin' on him. Anyway, it's also been great for me. I learned from Adele Leas: Jin Shin Jyutsu – For you animal companion

Maybe Adele would like to share a webinar with the HA! community in 2024...

Maybe Adele would like to share a webinar with the HA! community in 2024...
That would be awesome. She was the first presenter in Dr. Jeff Grognet's Holistic Conference. I think it's one of the easiest energy healing modalities for animals...
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