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Community Member
Dec 28, 2021
Age: 16
Lhasa Apso/Maltese
Neutered M
Home cooked diet + kibble

I've been trying over the past 5 months to get homeopathic care for my dog's chronic reverse sneezing and arthritis. He has been prescribed 4 remedies with no results. His arthritis over the past 2 weeks has gotten much worse, to the point where he barely walks. He gets 725mg Glucosamine a day, and I do acupressure, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Tong Ren, and crystal therapy on him. I'm wondering if I should continue pursuing homeopathy or not. I would like to have him under the care of a holistic vet professional, especially as he's getting older but I don't know if homeopathy is worth pursuing. It hasn't been cheap either -- I've spent $500+ so far! The first vet was Dr. Christine Barrett who had to close her practice due to health issues, and the second vet was Dr. Tewari, who doesn't have much experience and finally told me to pursue other forms of treatment. There is an acupuncturist in a nearby town but if I already do acupressure....
Please guide, and if pursuing homeopathy is recommended please recommend an experienced homeopath. Thanks.
Hi @EllyJ,
I'm so sorry about your struggles with Pumpkin, it's very understandable you want to give up on homeopathy.
Before our vets answer your questions, would you mind sharing a little more about what you feed Pumpkin (examples of a few meals) and what are the things that Pumpkin LOVES doing, how often do you do that? Thanks
Yes, the journey of healing can be convoluted for some individuals and easy for others. And it certainly can be expensive, though $500 is less than conventional may have been.

It is important to understand the goal of treatment - a cure (put that in search and do some reading on the site).

Sometimes in the process of healing particular symptoms, the best we can do is super increase BEAM (happiness). Right now, with the arthritis worse, that is not happening. It would be important to understand the pattern of the lameness in reference to the seasons and the treatments tried.

As Aruna mentioned, sometimes the answer is partially with diet, or toxins, or stress in the family.

Homeopathy can certainly address these issues, as can good TCVM, chiropractic/osteopathic and other energetic healing methods. Have you read the article on finding a holistic veterinarian and how to work with them? Have you addressed this in a 15 monthly call with Dr. Jeff or myself?

Did you download the journal, create and continue a timeline and master symptom list?

These all are pieces that can help, especially when the journey is not one of the quick and easy ones.

3 other virtual homeopaths whom you may wish to interview are Drs. Cooney, Sagrera, & Herman.

I do pet health coaching if you wish to get a better understanding of how the different treatments may have been actually helpful in some ways.

Dr. Christina
Thanks, this was helpful.

He's doing a bit better, I'm improving his BEAM, and I just started him on some CBD treats. We're also going to go ahead and make an appointment with the holistic vet I mentioned.

Thanks for the encouragement and insight.
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