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IPhone App to Track Symptoms


VIP Member
Aug 13, 2017
Hello. Are any of you aware of an iPhone app that allows you to track a pet's symptoms easily? If yes, what is it, and how has your experience been?

I struggle to keep a journal at the end of the day because I am often too tired, and I end up putting it off for the next day and the next. I thought that having an app on my phone where I could enter a symptom with the touch of a button might be the solution. I started developing something very simple, but it occurred to me that something like this may already be available.
I’m not aware of an app to track symptoms but sounds like a great idea!

I too struggle at the end of the day to write in my journal. I think I will remember but after a couple days I realize I have forgotten what happened when.
Wow, thanks for starting to develop this app.📱

It's a great idea!😍
I’m not aware of an app to track symptoms but sounds like a great idea!

I too struggle at the end of the day to write in my journal. I think I will remember but after a couple days I realize I have forgotten what happened when.
I am glad to hear that I am not the only one in this position. If you think this app may be of use to you, I would love to share with you what I have done thus far and get your input on how you might want to use it. Let me know if you would like to chat.
This may not be helpful since you already have an app for this purpose @ivegrgas, but I would like to share that I mainly use Apple devices and I use Apple's "Notes" app for journaling (I create main folders by pets, then sub folders by years, then sub-sub-folders by months). I have been using this app for years and it's working well for me...and it's cloud-based and synced with all my devices. So I could be out with my pup and find something that needed to be noted in the Notes, I could just type it in my Notes right on the spot, on my phone. When we get home for my pup's dinner, for example, I can just type on my laptop or iPad to enter what my pup was having for dinner that night. I also find this app helpful when I'm at the vet. When I need to do a specific search (i.e., drop in appetite in BEAM), I can utilize the "search" feature. I can also add photos in the Notes. If this is app not a good option, I would recommend Goodnotes as an alternative. 📓

I'm always open to new ideas/methods of journaling. If you could share your app with me, I'd be very grateful.
Hi @ChristineL, the App that I am working on uses Notes to store the information. The purpose of the App is to allow a person to enter information into the Notes with very few clicks. As it stands right now, I am able to one icon and it creates a new note with the Current Date as the tile in a specific folder. Then for example, when I want to record that my dog had a Bowl Movement, I can do that by simply clicking on the Icon, selecting relevant information (for example that it is a Normal Stool with some mucus) and the App records that information along with the the time in the Note with the current date. So, it basically does everything at you are already doing but in a more automated way. As you describe, you an access this note from multiple devices and if some detail is missing you can go back and edit it. Problem with me is that I never take the time to type out the necessary information so I figured if I can do it quickly and easily, chances that I will actually do it are greater.
Hi @ivegrgas - Wow...when will the app be available? I would love to use this app for journaling/tracking. Will you be incorporating "BEAM" score in this app? :) Can this also be used for multiple pets?
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Hi @ChristineL - you ask all great questions and this is evolving as we speak. I am working on incorporating BEAM score but I want to be able to not only record the score, I want to have the ability to input at the same time an explanation of the score. Since I am learning how to do this as I go along it is taking some time. Once I figure out how to enable it for multiple pets, I am happy to give you the link to download it and I can incorporate your feedback. For additional ideas I started re-reading @Dr. Christina's Healthy Animal Journal. Thus far I am able to track the following symptoms (and clues): Mood, Itching, Bowl Movements, Outings, Remedies (records remedies in both the daily journal and a separate remedy list), Limping, Free Form Notes. And BEAM Score with Comment is in development stage.
Hi @ivegrgas - All of the functionalities you mentioned sound so great! I'd be honored to test it out and offer my humble suggestions!
Hi @ChristineL, the App that I am working on uses Notes to store the information. The purpose of the App is to allow a person to enter information into the Notes with very few clicks. As it stands right now, I am able to one icon and it creates a new note with the Current Date as the tile in a specific folder. Then for example, when I want to record that my dog had a Bowl Movement, I can do that by simply clicking on the Icon, selecting relevant information (for example that it is a Normal Stool with some mucus) and the App records that information along with the the time in the Note with the current date. So, it basically does everything at you are already doing but in a more automated way. As you describe, you an access this note from multiple devices and if some detail is missing you can go back and edit it. Problem with me is that I never take the time to type out the necessary information so I figured if I can do it quickly and easily, chances that I will actually do it are greater.
An app sounds fantastic! I also use the iPhone notes app but struggle to find time to input all the data. (I have a dog ans four cats- all of whom in needing to track!)

I recently started a physical binder with sections for each animal- so I can at least stick the post-it notes and make time later to write out neatly!

But I like the ability to have it electronic and access it from computer too.

I’d love to test out your app when the time comes! Having some data automatically show up (like date, and headings) will be fantastic!!

Keeping track of one animals history can be challenging— and 5 is just so much harder- I’m all for anything that can save time! And I’m sure many other folks would benefit too!!
OK, I will work on getting it to work for multiple pets. A question for both @ChristineL and @MelindaN. Currently I create a note for each day and all the notes are in one folder. Do you have one note for each day and for each pet? or is it one note for pet with multiple days within that note? I am not promising that I will be able to make it all work but that is currently the biggest obstacle. Thanks for your input.
Hi @ivegrgas How exciting! I have one (main) folder for each pet, then sub-folders by years and then months. Since the Apple Notes function does not offer a calendar-like interface, I have these entries in chronological order. It would be great if we had a "monthly" calendar view and "a daily" view...and a search function (i.e., search by "remedy's name"...), if possible :) I hope this helps!
Hi @ChristineL, the App that I am working on uses Notes to store the information. The purpose of the App is to allow a person to enter information into the Notes with very few clicks. As it stands right now, I am able to one icon and it creates a new note with the Current Date as the tile in a specific folder. Then for example, when I want to record that my dog had a Bowl Movement, I can do that by simply clicking on the Icon, selecting relevant information (for example that it is a Normal Stool with some mucus) and the App records that information along with the the time in the Note with the current date. So, it basically does everything at you are already doing but in a more automated way. As you describe, you an access this note from multiple devices and if some detail is missing you can go back and edit it. Problem with me is that I never take the time to type out the necessary information so I figured if I can do it quickly and easily, chances that I will actually do it are greater.
That sounds great! It sounds like you have put a lot of thought and work into it. I currently use a notebook and often forget to write down the details. I have an iPhone but have not used the notes app. The icons and automatic date would be very helpful! I would be happy to test it out!
That sounds great! It sounds like you have put a lot of thought and work into it. I currently use a notebook and often forget to write down the details. I have an iPhone but have not used the notes app. The icons and automatic date would be very helpful! I would be happy to test it out!
OK, I will keep you posted as I make progress. Thanks for volunteering.
OK, I will work on getting it to work for multiple pets. A question for both @ChristineL and @MelindaN. Currently I create a note for each day and all the notes are in one folder. Do you have one note for each day and for each pet? or is it one note for pet with multiple days within that note? I am not promising that I will be able to make it all work but that is currently the biggest obstacle. Thanks for your input.
I think the hardest part of using iPhone is the small screen- lol I can’t see eveything!

I have a note for each pet- and I just add the date and the observations chronologically. I like to be able to see eveything in one view so I can scroll through.

Im kind of between physical and electronic forgot now- not sure how to make it easier!

I stated a physical Binder for my dog and cat journal about two months ago… tabs for each animal, and sheets of paper that I jot done my notes for each pet in their tan section.

So I suppose in the notes app I would ideally like a way to see summary of the dates - kind of like the way a Google Doc does…
summary of the dates - kind of like the way a Google Doc
Hi Melinda - can you elaborate a little bit on "summary of the dates." I am not familiar with that feature.

PS - I agree that iPhone screen is small and hard to read!
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