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How much water per day for dogs?


VIP Member
Mar 16, 2022
Bobby has never been a big fan of plain water unless he's just come in from a brisk walk (more or less depending on the outside temperature), just had a cheek or collagen chew stick, I've added something tasty to the water, or I'm holding the bowl for him (which is a drag). I check his scruff for dehydration, and he never is, but if left to his own devices, he's probably only getting 2-2.5 cups of water a day (this includes the water in his food, assuming that raw/fresh-cooked is 75-90% water). The conventional recommendation for a 65lb dog would be at least 4 cups per day. Should I be supplementing his water intake? Or is it that the conventional recommendations are for kibble-fed dogs and raw/fresh-cooked/healthier dogs don't need as much water overall (including that which is in their water-heavy food)? I don't want to over-water him (this comes from a woman who has killed multiple succulents ?), but of course, I don't want to under-water him either, especially now that it's getting warmer. If I don't give him extra water, his pee is distinct yellow (not necessarily dark) and has a distinct pee odor. When I supplement with additional water, it goes light yellow and less odorous. It also seems as if he often gets dry mouth when he sleeps, because we will hear him smacking his mouth when he wakes from naps and sometimes in the middle of the night (he's done this since we adopted him; he might be doing this less since we upgraded his diet, but he still does it to the point where I'm asking if it's normal). Also, if I give him extra water (aiming for that 4 cups total, including water in food) then he pees in the morning. If I don't, he doesn't. BEAM is great. We also changed his water bowl (in case his own reflection was bothering him), but we're not sure if that made a difference or not.

Any thoughts? Not so much concerned about any acute issue, just what is optimal. Thanks!
Just as with how much water should a person drink -- It Depends. different experts have different opinions for people and dogs.

I would not worry about how much he drinks since his BEAM is great.

Download the journal, do a physical at home every month and check for early warning signs.

Spend the rest of the time just enjoying and having fun with your great dog

Dr. Christina
Hey Danielle!

I was about to write exactly what Dr. Christina did (to "not worry about how much he drinks" because of hois great BEAM.

Yes, the extra "structured"water he is getting in any fresh foods will decrease the amount he drinks.

Maybe also make up a batch of chia gel water to use as treats and potentially even decrease his need to drink (the structured water appears to help his cells work better and may be more hydrating).

Stay tuned for Dr. Christina's great class about the home check-up...
Just as with how much water should a person drink -- It Depends. different experts have different opinions for people and dogs.

I would not worry about how much he drinks since his BEAM is great.

Download the journal, do a physical at home every month and check for early warning signs.

Spend the rest of the time just enjoying and having fun with your great dog

Dr. Christina
Great advice also I would attempt to provide cleanest water as possible keeping in mind your demographics and dynamics of your households cats are different for numerous reasons their cats I let mine free drink daily hope this may help GB
Great advice also I would attempt to provide cleanest water as possible keeping in mind your demographics and dynamics of your households cats are different for numerous reasons their cats I let mine free drink daily hope this may help GB
Absolutely! We have a freestanding gravity-fed Berkey filter (both the black carbon filters and the flouride/heavy metal filters). I guess he just has a high thirst threshold. Maybe he used to be a cat in a former life. :D

@Dr. Jeff - Those articles were great! I've never heard of gel water before, but it's fascinating. For future reference, if you ever find any PubMed articles (about anything, not just gel water) behind a pay wall, try sending them to me anyway. I have access to journal library resources through work and I can often get the free versions. I love a good technical reading. :D
Awe-some, I will do so Danielle!
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