Hello, I'd like to introduce myself and my Dalmatian, Jessica. She is 14 and has just been diagnosed with early stage 2 kidney disease. She's on librela shot for arthritis and it made her feel so good she jumped out of our truck, hitting the concrete resulting in 4 days in the ICU. They didn't think she'd come home but she amazed everyone and was fine to come home 4 days later. While in the hospital, her kidney values were concerning. She had slight elevated levels last year but nothing they were concerned about as they thought it could just be due to dehydration. In the hospital she had a host of issues from the fall and we didn't know if her kidney values were from the trauma or something chronic. Now a month later, all else has healed except that. I put her on Dr. Harvey's Canine Health and spoke with a "nutritionist" there who put her on 1.3 oz of protein with the Canine Health 3x a day. We are feeding her 3 times a day because she's lost about 6 lbs. She's 38lbs and normal for her is 44. I'm now working with a holistic vet who focuses on Chinese medicine and nutrition so we're creating recipes with Balance.it. She's just not gaining any weight, despite adding a whole other meal, adding carbs back in to her diet and choosing higher fat meats. She has no protein in her urine. I've attached her latest test results from last week. The protein amounts for Dr. Harvey's and Balance.it seem incredibly low to me. In addition, being from Hawaii, they grew up eating avocados. They are everywhere, all over the ground and we really couldn't stop them and they went crazy for them. Coconut too. I'm not concerned about avocados being toxic to dogs (every dog in the tropics would be dead if that was the case - they all gorge on them) but I read they were hard on the kidneys so I stopped giving them to her. Maybe that would put some more weight on her. Any suggestions to put weight on her (as well as opinions about Dr. Harvey's or Balance.it) would be great. Normally she gets raw meat but the vet said to steam it to leach the phosphorus out. She also gets Dr. Harvey's kidney support supplement (mushroom blend), a multivitamin (joint support, pre-pro biotics)
She has no problem eating - she's ravenous, eats anything and everything I put down. She's happy, alert and her Beam score is B - 10 (if we hadn't had the accident we wouldn't know anything was wrong with her other than the weight loss), E - 8 (she is 14) but she paces for 2 straight hours before any meal waiting to be fed (some of that may be doggy dementia - getting lions mane mushroom extract for that) A - 10+, M - 10 (very happy).
Jessica is on the right in the photo (black ear)

She has no problem eating - she's ravenous, eats anything and everything I put down. She's happy, alert and her Beam score is B - 10 (if we hadn't had the accident we wouldn't know anything was wrong with her other than the weight loss), E - 8 (she is 14) but she paces for 2 straight hours before any meal waiting to be fed (some of that may be doggy dementia - getting lions mane mushroom extract for that) A - 10+, M - 10 (very happy).
Jessica is on the right in the photo (black ear)