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Heartworm Positive


Jan 6, 2024
I posted in the vaccine forum and the info below is the same with another question / topic. Has anyone had experience with a heartworm positive pup? Anyone use the 'slow kill' method?

I rescued a young hound in the Spring from a swamp in a rural area of the south where I was camping. He is a miracle and the h*ll he went through not describable.
Name: Brave aka Bravie
Age: Approx 1/5-2 estimate
Male unneutered [no surgery until hw-]
Mix - Pointer / hound / treewalker / blue tick
Needs to gain more weight, currently around 60lbs, ideal / goal is high 60's
Behavior: happy, gentle, sweet, loving, caring; he is attentive, immediate to learning and learned sit and down in less than a minute
Energy: Spritely; zoomies - he's VERY fast.
Appetite: AWESOME!
Mood: Happy, bored, loving, affectionate, friendly, playful, he adjusts to his environment
Nutrition: He consumes human grade food except for one brand of wet food sometimes, The Honest Kitchen mixes- fish, chicken, turkey whichever is on sale, sometimes grain free sometimes not, beef and oat clusters- this caused diarrhea as a meal and use as treat which does not, OC raw turkey hearts, canned chicken drained, soft carrots, dried banana, some greens, cooked chicken or turkey, a scoop of pumpkin here and there, organic blueberries, sardines in water no salt, raw or hard boiled egg, goat milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese - I limit dairy to treat and topper to put on weight, Tender and True canned organic chicken liver pate or turkey and brown rice. I think that's it. He will also have an Andy&Audy dental chew.
Vaccination history/exposure to toxins, other medication: He had no microchip when found and was [is] heartworm positive. I did some titers which showed no vaccination history; hence the reason for this thread. The hw is being treated on the slow kill method as that is what was recommended by vets [conventional] where he was found and whom had treated hw often; they said they'd seen problems with the shots with some breeds. Bravie was underweight - nearly emaciated when found, missing chunks of hair, had an alligator bite and has numerous scars. He did NOT have fleas and vets and I surmised his skin / body gave off something that repelled them as some dogs do; a likely adaptation to his situation. He was living under a palm tree with snakes around, and insects hovered over him it was ;
In terms of toxins / other medications - he was on doxycycline for one month June 2023; and now gets milbemycin oxime once a month. The microfilariae checks have been negative and snap test for hw positive. The last snap was done in early Dec and last microfilariae in the summer; need to redo. He had a round of the regular dewormers in April when found.
I have organic black walnut extract I got for him but haven't used as I want to work with a holistic vet but can't find one that is taking patients where we live.
The primary problem or question is him clearing the heartworm, he is asymptomatic and there is no cough, heart and lungs thankfully. I asked for a vaccine waiver from our vet until he is hw negative, we are in a state that accepts them, and she has never treated heartworm [this is new vet at home up north] and was unsure. I have done some study on this and have my thoughts and need info, support, guidance from those in the holistic veterinary field. I know Dr Lankenau cleared a dog with hw using a holistic approach and published that case. CASE REPORT — USING HERBS TO TREAT HEARTWORM IN A DOG | IVC Journal. We called her and she was not taking new patients.


Hi again Elisabeth!

Your thread was moved the fleas, ticks and other parasites folder.
Elizabeth, Bless you for taking this poor Pup in & going the extra mile for her highest good.

I’d like tonlearn more about how to put weight on underweight Dogs too. I have been told the Beef Satin Balls are good. They have Oats. I’d use GF Oats.

If she had Doxycycline, I’d make sure you rotate Adored Beasts Probiotics! You need to repopulate her healthy flora/bacteria to boost her immunity.

I’d also be working with an Animal Energy Worker, like me or who you connect with, to address all the emotional & physical Trauma. A lot can be done to help.

Dr Jean formulated Jackson Galaxy Flower Essences which can also be quite helpful!

Many Holistic Vets will work with you via Zoom! The Pet Journal of Dr Christina has lots of websites to find them as well as a link on HA How to Find a Holistic Vet.

TCM and Homeopathy are great and usually used separately.

All the Best and keep us posted. I’d like to learn more about overcoming Heartworm in Dogs! I’ve seen it happen! Keep your Faith!

Keep Brave’s food and mood up…it will do wonders for healing!
Elizabeth, Bless you for taking this poor Pup in & going the extra mile for her highest good.

I’d like tonlearn more about how to put weight on underweight Dogs too. I have been told the Beef Satin Balls are good. They have Oats. I’d use GF Oats.

If she had Doxycycline, I’d make sure you rotate Adored Beasts Probiotics! You need to repopulate her healthy flora/bacteria to boost her immunity.

I’d also be working with an Animal Energy Worker, like me or who you connect with, to address all the emotional & physical Trauma. A lot can be done to help.

Dr Jean formulated Jackson Galaxy Flower Essences which can also be quite helpful!

Many Holistic Vets will work with you via Zoom! The Pet Journal of Dr Christina has lots of websites to find them as well as a link on HA How to Find a Holistic Vet.

TCM and Homeopathy are great and usually used separately.

All the Best and keep us posted. I’d like to learn more about overcoming Heartworm in Dogs! I’ve seen it happen! Keep your Faith!

Keep Brave’s food and mood up…it will do wonders for healing!
Lauren, Thank you for posting. Please remember, I am having to live out of a vehicle at times and costs are a concern. I had put that in a post that maybe you didn't read. I would never get a pup in this situation, and this is an as we go situation.
He gets raw goats milk or pastuerized if all thats available for added calories, as well as yogurt for probios. I have used a couple different brands, and try for the organic whole milk. Any suggestions welcome for ones that have a full spectrum. He has occassionaly had kibble ie Honest Kitchen clusters or another which have added probios. An additional human to love on him who works as an energy worker would be great but again that is not something that is fiscally affordable. Same for flower essences. We have scheduled a consul with a holistic vet via telephone which will be short due to cost. The main guidance needed is with herbs to help support during the heartworm treatment. From what have gleaned the slow kill has resulted in positive results and just takes a while. I have also read about some giving Guiness Stout; there is a protocol one can find online. Bravie is his own healer and I do my best to follow his lead. Humans are animals, they forget that. Canines are much more grounded and solid beings; I fear for so many. There are some where Bravie was found running starving and terrified, in Pahokee FL where I stopped to get gas. If anyone is there please pick them up and bring them to rescue up north. They are Pointer mixes, maybe with Great Dane. I have thought of starting a rescue focused on this town specifically but with the current situation it will be a while. The need is now.
FYI... AmberNaturalz.com -- HWF (Heart Worm Free) protocol is what we used with great success ... see my latest post - today - under Cat suddenly can't urinate... and good luck! It is slow kill and for us, it worked!
Thanks Susan. We are familiar with that product and have been since the test result was positive. It has licorice in it and I - a heathy fit athlete who consumes an organic omnivorous sustustenance without sodium or sugar - was in the emergency room because my potassium drained from drinking licorice tea. The 'fda' [no confidence in them] has a warning out about licorice and daily ingestion - so it must be very bad for them to even act. It's a silent unrecognized cause of problems. I would not give it to him or any being daily or regularly. Occassional use as a remedy yes please and thank you; not regularly.
FYI... AmberNaturalz.com -- HWF (Heart Worm Free) protocol is what we used with great success ... see my latest post - today - under Cat suddenly can't urinate... and good luck! It is slow kill and for us, it worked!
s Susan
Thanks Susan. We are familiar with that product and have been since the test result was positive. It has licorice in it and I - a heathy fit athlete who consumes an organic omnivorous sustustenance without sodium or sugar - was in the emergency room because my potassium drained from drinking licorice tea. The 'fda' [no confidence in them] has a warning out about licorice and daily ingestion - so it must be very bad for them to even act. It's a silent unrecognized cause of problems. I would not give it to him or any being daily or regularly. Occassional use as a remedy yes please and thank you; not regularly.

s Susan
Good to know! Thanks for sharing. Maybe we were just lucky? Nothing like that ever happened. It was wonderful for our doggies. Sorry you suffered with that, Elisabeth. Yikes!!!
This is a great example of why here at HA! we try to focus more on the energetic paradigm and promote a shift away from physiologically active things like drugs, supplements, etc.

Many more individuals are super sensitive to physiological interventions than they are to energetic ones.

For example, the most powerful and sustainable energies are the energy of love and compassion. We don't see many bad reactions to those things ;) !
Good to know! Thanks for sharing. Maybe we were just lucky? Nothing like that ever happened. It was wonderful for our doggies. Sorry you suffered with that, Elisabeth. Yikes!!!
Thanks Susan; I learned today that this may not be a concern. I called Amber Naturalz, at the urging of Dr Herman whom we did a phone consul with. It turns out the compound that causes the draining of potassium in regular use of licorice is removed / made inactive in the HWF formula. The licorice they use in the HWF formula is prepared separately from the other licorice for the other formulations, and it is prepared so that the glycyrrhizin is deactivated or removed, not sure which because I am so tired I don't recall what he said. I spoke with Aaron, it is a family owned and run company, and his mother is the herbalist/chemist - again not sure which or what but she is the formulator with the educational background whom he posed my questions and concerns to. I think it's called deglycyrrhizinated. This is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT INFO and they should post it on the product listing - so that people know it's safe to use on a regular basis; AND so they know regular use of licorice is dangerous.
SO we are going to try it; and so glad it was wonderful for your doggies; pup sends his thanks too


@Dr. Jeff

This is a great example of why here at HA! we try to focus more on the energetic paradigm and promote a shift away from physiologically active things like drugs, supplements, etc.

Many more individuals are super sensitive to physiological interventions than they are to energetic ones.

For example, the most powerful and sustainable energies are the energy of love and compassion. We don't see many bad reactions to those things ;) !
Love is the most powerful force
Thank you, Elisabeth. We had a busy day and I didn't get to call Amber today. That is really great news!

Yes, the mother (grandmother?) of this family is the herbalist. Rumor I got years ago was about a little girl whose dog got heart worms. Her grandmother (the herbalist here) hated to see her granddaughter in such distress about her doggy and knew she could save him. So she came up with the original HWF formula. And it worked!! That was how it all began... was the story.

Whatever the info, they are very careful in all the wording about their products because of being constantly watched/censored by fda. While they are basically unable to communicate lots of useful and valuable info, WE can. So thank you so very much for conveying your new knowledge about HWF.

Delighted that your puppy will get it. It was fabulous for our puppies. The protocol wasn't just HWF. (That worked well later as preventive, tho.) Hoping they told you that Kidney Rejuvenator and Hawthorn&Dandelion were also involved. I know they can't tell you everything now. Maybe Aaron can?

They explained to me back then that because the dead heart worms had to be processed thru the dog's heart and kidneys, we needed to support those organs also with these two other products. I do have my original copy of their manual, if that will help you when they can't?

I believe there was more to the process after the heart worms (including the microfilaria) were cleared. I don't remember so much about that. I was sooo happy that we'd gotten rid of them slowly and gently without killing our little Chico! I likely do have all of that in the manual if you need it.

Best wishes for this process and please keep us posted!
Thank you, Elisabeth. We had a busy day and I didn't get to call Amber today. That is really great news!

Yes, the mother (grandmother?) of this family is the herbalist. Rumor I got years ago was about a little girl whose dog got heart worms. Her grandmother (the herbalist here) hated to see her granddaughter in such distress about her doggy and knew she could save him. So she came up with the original HWF formula. And it worked!! That was how it all began... was the story.

Whatever the info, they are very careful in all the wording about their products because of being constantly watched/censored by fda. While they are basically unable to communicate lots of useful and valuable info, WE can. So thank you so very much for conveying your new knowledge about HWF.

Delighted that your puppy will get it. It was fabulous for our puppies. The protocol wasn't just HWF. (That worked well later as preventive, tho.) Hoping they told you that Kidney Rejuvenator and Hawthorn&Dandelion were also involved. I know they can't tell you everything now. Maybe Aaron can?

They explained to me back then that because the dead heart worms had to be processed thru the dog's heart and kidneys, we needed to support those organs also with these two other products. I do have my original copy of their manual, if that will help you when they can't?

I believe there was more to the process after the heart worms (including the microfilaria) were cleared. I don't remember so much about that. I was sooo happy that we'd gotten rid of them slowly and gently without killing our little Chico! I likely do have all of that in the manual if you need it.

Best wishes for this process and please keep us posted!
Thank you so so so so much Susan. I clicked on the link to the kidney rejuvenator; this is terrible they can't lay it all out as needed for people to use the products as needed. That is a beautiful story regarding how it started. Hopefully they can continue helping always.
Yes, please and thank you, any info you have I will gratefully receive . . .
I posted in the vaccine forum and the info below is the same with another question / topic. Has anyone had experience with a heartworm positive pup? Anyone use the 'slow kill' method?

I rescued a young hound in the Spring from a swamp in a rural area of the south where I was camping. He is a miracle and the h*ll he went through not describable.
Name: Brave aka Bravie
Age: Approx 1/5-2 estimate
Male unneutered [no surgery until hw-]
Mix - Pointer / hound / treewalker / blue tick
Needs to gain more weight, currently around 60lbs, ideal / goal is high 60's
Behavior: happy, gentle, sweet, loving, caring; he is attentive, immediate to learning and learned sit and down in less than a minute
Energy: Spritely; zoomies - he's VERY fast.
Appetite: AWESOME!
Mood: Happy, bored, loving, affectionate, friendly, playful, he adjusts to his environment
Nutrition: He consumes human grade food except for one brand of wet food sometimes, The Honest Kitchen mixes- fish, chicken, turkey whichever is on sale, sometimes grain free sometimes not, beef and oat clusters- this caused diarrhea as a meal and use as treat which does not, OC raw turkey hearts, canned chicken drained, soft carrots, dried banana, some greens, cooked chicken or turkey, a scoop of pumpkin here and there, organic blueberries, sardines in water no salt, raw or hard boiled egg, goat milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese - I limit dairy to treat and topper to put on weight, Tender and True canned organic chicken liver pate or turkey and brown rice. I think that's it. He will also have an Andy&Audy dental chew.
Vaccination history/exposure to toxins, other medication: He had no microchip when found and was [is] heartworm positive. I did some titers which showed no vaccination history; hence the reason for this thread. The hw is being treated on the slow kill method as that is what was recommended by vets [conventional] where he was found and whom had treated hw often; they said they'd seen problems with the shots with some breeds. Bravie was underweight - nearly emaciated when found, missing chunks of hair, had an alligator bite and has numerous scars. He did NOT have fleas and vets and I surmised his skin / body gave off something that repelled them as some dogs do; a likely adaptation to his situation. He was living under a palm tree with snakes around, and insects hovered over him it was ;
In terms of toxins / other medications - he was on doxycycline for one month June 2023; and now gets milbemycin oxime once a month. The microfilariae checks have been negative and snap test for hw positive. The last snap was done in early Dec and last microfilariae in the summer; need to redo. He had a round of the regular dewormers in April when found.
I have organic black walnut extract I got for him but haven't used as I want to work with a holistic vet but can't find one that is taking patients where we live.
The primary problem or question is him clearing the heartworm, he is asymptomatic and there is no cough, heart and lungs thankfully. I asked for a vaccine waiver from our vet until he is hw negative, we are in a state that accepts them, and she has never treated heartworm [this is new vet at home up north] and was unsure. I have done some study on this and have my thoughts and need info, support, guidance from those in the holistic veterinary field. I know Dr Lankenau cleared a dog with hw using a holistic approach and published that case. CASE REPORT — USING HERBS TO TREAT HEARTWORM IN A DOG | IVC Journal. We called her and she was not taking new patients.


I finally just read the article by Dr. Lankenau you included here. Wow! Thank you for including it. She's obviously practicing Chinese medicine... how wonderful. Sorry she wasn't taking new patients.
Thank you so so so so much Susan. I clicked on the link to the kidney rejuvenator; this is terrible they can't lay it all out as needed for people to use the products as needed. That is a beautiful story regarding how it started. Hopefully they can continue helping always.
Yes, please and thank you, any info you have I will gratefully receive . . .
i can email you what i have. i believe i still have the pdf version of the manual. my printed out version in the 3 ring binder has all kinds of notes, highlights and cross-outs as things changed over the years. i refer to it often. happy to send you that pdf version of the heart worm section. it was a good while ago that we did this. still, lots of it is still pretty clear in my mind.
i can email you what i have. i believe i still have the pdf version of the manual. my printed out version in the 3 ring binder has all kinds of notes, highlights and cross-outs as things changed over the years. i refer to it often. happy to send you that pdf version of the heart worm section. it was a good while ago that we did this. still, lots of it is still pretty clear in my mind.
This would be helpful thank you so much. I'll send you my email in a private conversation
Can anyone recommend or refer to a holistic vet? Dr Herman is great but she is hours away and can't offer a vaccine waiver from another state even if she examined him in person. We can get to northern MA / CT, Eastern NY, NH. The vet would have to be licensed in VT but if they are closer than Dr Herman and not licensed in VT it is still good
I am originally from Redding, CT so right next door to Dr Jeff and know that region well and a trip down there very manageable
@Dr. Jeff
Thanks for asking Elisabeth!

In CT we have to apply to the state vet in order to give a rabies waiver, and cant issue a waiver otherwise.

How about:

Heather Skilling, VMD​

Dr Skilling Mobile Vet​

Richford VT, US
Thanks for asking Elisabeth!

In CT we have to apply to the state vet in order to give a rabies waiver, and cant issue a waiver otherwise.

How about:

Heather Skilling, VMD​

Dr Skilling Mobile Vet​

Richford VT, US
I see; okay; I am not sure I had heard of or called the one you listed, she is only a mobile vet for that area which we are not in... she doesn't have an office location and only serves her local area and we are outside it; will call her anyway; thank you dr jeff ; any others you find please send our way. I did use the look up on the holistic vet site; I know all the holistic vet practicioners in Vt by name and have tried them again and still not taking patients. It's disquieting since they are informed he is heartworm positive; which is not common up here and serving him is important for us all as a community and society
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