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Hard stools

Intuitively, what do you feel is the right thing for your kitty? No matter what you decide to do, she will heal as best as her body is designed to do.

Did your vet mention that she would still need to wear a collar after surgery?

My own experience has been with natural healing stimulated by hot compresses and homeopathy.
I didn't want her to go under anesthesia. But I'm quite stressed and already have a hard time trusting myself and the choices I make.

No, the vet didn't say anything about whether she should wear a collar if she needs stitches.
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve

I can get these two products home next week.

This for hairballs : Hairball Gold - Holistic Hairball and Digestive Care for Cats

And this for bowel movements: Smooth BM Gold - Supports Healthy Bowel Movements in Cats

Which one will be best to start my girl cat on?
I also think that my male cat who has also had hard stools will benefit from one of them

My female cat has to have antibiotics for 4 more days (so she has had it for a total of 10 days) and she has also been given painkillers every day. Can I stop it now? The vet said 7-10 days of painkillers.

Should I wait to give my girl cat some of the drops until she has been off the antibiotics longer?
Hey Bettina!

Perhaps scroll up in this discussion for the reply about the supplements.

I think that your other questions are between you and your vet.
Hey Bettina!

Perhaps scroll up in this discussion for the reply about the supplements.

I think that your other questions are between you and your vet.
I think its hard to ask my vet about the supplement, what there are good to give , as he is not into holistic things.
He wasn't a fan when he heard I fed my cats raw meat. He thought it was better to give dry food to make sure they get all the vitamins and minerals
@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff

I went to the vet again on Monday to get my cat clipped. They said the hole had gotten bigger and they were going to sew it up. We agreed that I would come back on Thursday.

And now it's tomorrow that I have to go to the vet. I think it looks better, but I wish they had cut her better there on Monday, as she has some felt knots now.

It was a little hard to get a decent picture, but it looks like this right now.




Have them clip it without anesthesia. You are free to decline surgery. It's your cat, you do not have to let them do it. Closing a wound like that, especially in such a contaminated location, is not always the best choice. Then continue compressing.

The first supplement may be helpful. The second maybe not so much, I don't recommend fruit for cats.
Have them clip it without anesthesia. You are free to decline surgery. It's your cat, you do not have to let them do it. Closing a wound like that, especially in such a contaminated location, is not always the best choice. Then continue compressing.

The first supplement may be helpful. The second maybe not so much, I don't recommend fruit for cats.

Should it give her the first supplement soon or wait longer ? She have to get antibiotics 4 more days.
Just give the first supplement 2 hours apart from food or medicine, slippery elm can inhibit absorption of vitamins and drugs. Can start probiotics right away if she's not on them, 2 hours separated from antibiotic.
Just give the first supplement 2 hours apart from food or medicine, slippery elm can inhibit absorption of vitamins and drugs. Can start probiotics right away if she's not on them, 2 hours separated from antibiotic.

@Dr. Jean Hofve She is not on probiotics. Should i give her that ? And why ?

Is it better to wait until she finishes the antibiotics to give her the hairball drops?

And about getting her hair cut. Is it okay if I cut what I can with scissors and then dab the area with a cloth afterwards? Or should i go to the vet again ?
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@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff
An update from here. I was at the vet on Monday where I asked them to cut the hair at the wound area. However, it was not done properly as the vet only cut a little hair at the underside of the tail.

I was therefore off again today (3 times now I have been there)
A veterinary nurse cut her, but one of the wounds has grown a flit knot into it, so she could not cut it away. She told me to come back on Monday, so hopefully the wound has healed a little more, so she could pull the felt knot off the wound.

I feel a bit confused now, and also about the many visits there.
Is it better to give her more rest now and then pull that hair out yourself?
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