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Hard stools

@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Christina

Now its wrong with my other cat

Since Sunday, my female cat has had problems pushing out feces. She was pushing but nothing came out. She also started licking her butt hole a lot. She was eating normally as usual, so I wasn't worried. Monday it continued, she pushed again, but nothing came out.
Monday night she threw up a small hairball. And today, Tuesday, she started to be more erratic in her behavior and she got angry and screamed at me when I touched her. I kept an eye on her all day, she ate fine as usual and she walked around, but very slowly and strangely. She later squeezed out a small amount of feces.

But tonight, Her butt hole has become very distended and some blood and feces are oozing out. I've called the vet and they say it's probably like a hemorrhoid because of her constipation.
They did not think I should come urgently now (it's night here in Denmark now), but I have to come early with her tomorrow.

I will of course go to the vet tomorrow morning. Any good advice I can take to the vet? And what else can I do for her now and in the future so this doesn't happen?
Never heard of a hemorrhoid in a cat in 30+ years of feline practice. Definitely get her in tomorrow. She may need enema, manual feces removal, definitely fluids.

How old is she? What does she eat? Any history of digestive problems? Do you know how to give fluids at home?

I know you're far far away... will try to keep an eye online tomorrow to see how she's doing!
Never heard of a hemorrhoid in a cat in 30+ years of feline practice. Definitely get her in tomorrow. She may need enema, manual feces removal, definitely fluids.

How old is she? What does she eat? Any history of digestive problems? Do you know how to give fluids at home?

I know you're far far away... will try to keep an eye online tomorrow to see how she's doing!
As i write earlier, blood came oozing out. And her butt hole was distended and it still looks very strange this morning. Like it's all become one big hole at the bottom of her orifices.
She is 13. She gets raw meat , only pure meat with added alnutrin vitamin powder.

No i dont know about fluids. I just woke up now and have to call the vet to get a appointment.
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve
I have now been to the vet. They said it was a ruptured anal gland.
She has been given antibiotics and painkillers at the vet , and the vet gave me this to home, which I have to give for 10 days, the vet said. (See my added picture)

And then my cat got this on. (See my added picture) It's quite big and I think it will bother her. Anything else I can do?


Have you been using the petroleum jelly?

Paraffin oil is a more liquidy version of it and should also help her pass stools.
Yes those are the painkiller (left) and antibiotic (right). They are justified and should be given. You may want to add a tiny pinch of fiber to her food from now on, and extra water, to help her stool pass more easily. I am glad they gave her a painkiller, most vets here wouldn't think it necessary, but those abscesses are painful!
Yes those are the painkiller (left) and antibiotic (right). They are justified and should be given. You may want to add a tiny pinch of fiber to her food from now on, and extra water, to help her stool pass more easily. I am glad they gave her a painkiller, most vets here wouldn't think it necessary, but those abscesses are painful!
What kind of fiber ?
Most cats won't volunteer to eat vaseline, you have to give it to them like a medicine. Easiest way is to get a blob on your finger and push it into the corner of the mouth.

Lots of choices for fiber, from psyllium powder to bran to slippery elm. A lot of cats accept a little canned pumpkin mixed in the food. Start with 1/2 tsp. and see how she does. Her stool quality should normalize.
Most cats won't volunteer to eat vaseline, you have to give it to them like a medicine. Easiest way is to get a blob on your finger and push it into the corner of the mouth.

Lots of choices for fiber, from psyllium powder to bran to slippery elm. A lot of cats accept a little canned pumpkin mixed in the food. Start with 1/2 tsp. and see how she does. Her stool quality should normalize.
The vet say it was not good to give vaseline
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve

My female cat is eating as usual, but she has started drinking more than usual. Could this be because she has started taking antibiotics and painkillers? She was given it on Wednesday and will be on it for 10 days.

Should I wash her butt? I can see that there are two open wounds. The one by the anal glands has ruptured, and then a slightly smaller wound close by.

If I have to wash her, can I use silver water for that?

Should I put something on it afterwards, for example propolis or honey?
It's very common in cats as well. It's typically related to the texture of the stool, either too hard or too soft. When that happens the gland is not emptied properly and can get infected.

Maybe you should find another vet for a second opinion, as this one seems to not be that familiar with cats.
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve

My female cat is eating as usual, but she has started drinking more than usual. Could this be because she has started taking antibiotics and painkillers? She was given it on Wednesday and will be on it for 10 days.

Should I wash her butt? I can see that there are two open wounds. The one by the anal glands has ruptured, and then a slightly smaller wound close by.

If I have to wash her, can I use silver water for that?

Should I put something on it afterwards, for example propolis or honey?



The vet absolutely should have clipped the fur around the area. You can try to keep it clean with a warm compress a couple of times a day, but don't use anything else and do not put anything on it. It needs to be open to the air to heal.
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