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Focal Seizures


Community Member
Aug 8, 2024
View attachment vcompress_9.movHello. I am posting again as I cannot find any information on focal seizure in all the threads, forums, resources, etc.
My dog Peanut is about 5, weighs 12 pounds, is neutered, a chi mix (maybe dachund). he is happy go luck when he is not having focal seizures. He eats anything, but I feed him Steve's raw food for dogs and only single ingredient treats. He was vaccinated when I adopted him 3 years ago, but I have not given him anything, nor flea/tick meds. I was legally made to give him a rabies vaccine recently-I tried to get out of it.
He has had a full panel of bloodwork which looks good. Vets have recommended putting him on but i am hesitant. I give him CBD and natural CALM drops and rescue remedy. They are definitely more frequently in the past year, everyday. I think they are more frequent at night, but I am at work during day. I cannot figure out a trigger. If there are fire works or ANY noises as such, he flips out, is terrified, and hides-it is terrible, but I am not sure if there is a correlation to the seizures. I have read that the dog is not affected, but vet says they are. I just do not know what to do. I ordered the stress stopper by jackson galaxy which came today. They last a while-the fly biting episodes. I am hoping someone has experience with these.

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Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Vets have recommended putting him on but i am hesitant.
Yes! If you're referring to anticonvulsants, then yes they should be a last resort IMHO.

Whereas homeopathy is the mainstay of this treatment. Focal seizures are an energetic dis-ease often related to vaccination.

When did Peanut's seizures begin?

You mentioned that they are daily. Once, twice, or.... And how long do they last?

Since all foods and supplements act primarily on the physical level, Peanut's energetic dis-ease (imbalance) will continue to worsen (as you have seen).

I just do not know what to do.
In addition to what you're doing, consider adding a vet homeopath, or some other form of energetic healer, to his vet care team.
I ordered the stress stopper by jackson galaxy which came today


Community Member
Aug 8, 2024
Yes! If you're referring to anticonvulsants, then yes they should be a last resort IMHO.

Whereas homeopathy is the mainstay of this treatment. Focal seizures are an energetic dis-ease often related to vaccination.

When did Peanut's seizures begin?

You mentioned that they are daily. Once, twice, or.... And how long do they last?

Since all foods and supplements act primarily on the physical level, Peanut's energetic dis-ease (imbalance) will continue to worsen (as you have seen).

In addition to what you're doing, consider adding a vet homeopath, or some other form of energetic healer, to his vet care team.

I do not understand when you say they will continue to worsen-so what am I to do? Last night they lasted for what seemed like hours while we were in bed-I just held him tight. I do not know if he has them during the day or not, but every night at least once. They began couple of years ago.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
do not understand
Great question!
Since all foods and supplements act primarily on the physical level, Peanut's energetic dis-ease (imbalance) will continue to worsen (as you have seen).
What this means is that when an energetic dis-ease is addressed physically it will continue to grow. However this is a theoretical answer and may not translate to a clinical situation.

In other words, even though the energetic imbalance may be growing, this may not equate to worsening of symptoms.

For example, as a conventional vet when I started animals on a drug or supplement it was common to need to increase the doses of the drugs in order to control the symptoms.

@Dr. Christina may be able to better explain this.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
BTW-This is called "palliation" (of symptoms) rather than cure (of the underlying energetic balance).


Community Member
Aug 8, 2024
so what should I do? Find an energy healer? IS that the only thing I can d? Unfortunately there are no holistic vets near me which is why I joined this site. I do not want to do a virtual vet. :(

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
OK, so you're ruling out a virtual homeopathic vet (which is how many of us work).

And a remote energy healer would work.

Is that correct?

If it is, how about Carol Komitor or someone here:

Other options are to try things like the ketogenic diet. Hepato TruBenefits, Vimergy B12, 5MTF (methyl donor and extra B12 that can decrease seizures), etc.


Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
I totally know how scary these seizures are. Most dogs are NOT affected by them, so put your mind to rest on that.

Yes, you are right that you need to have treatments that address the underlying energetic imbalance, while you are also soothing any symptoms.

so good that he is fine in between the seizures. That is very good.

You may be surprised at how many chinese medicine and chiropratic/osteopathic veterinarians will be near you. These approaches have eliminated seizures for many dogs - permanently. First, to help you find vets (you may need more than one), read this article.

I am not sure why you would eliminate a virtual veterinarian. Dr. Jeff and I and dozens of other homeopathic veterinarians have been successfully treating animals virtually, since homeopathy is based on your observations (once basic veterinary diagnosis is done). Homeopathy is very successful with seizures of all types. If you choose virtual homeopathy, which if there are no others near you after you do the searching suggested in the article, the link for theavh.org has a filter that says "phone consults". Some fairly available ones include Herman, Cooney, Sagrera.

Next, download the Healthy Dog Journal. Making a timeline of all symptoms ever experienced, and noting what was happening around the time of the first seizure (maybe that recent Rabies vaccine?), and continuing as you are doing to look for any triggers will help a great holistic vet find the solution.

Be sure to read Lesson one of the 101 class as soon as possible to understand more about this energy approach to deep healing. Maybe vary the diet a bit more.

Many of our speakers (listen to those listed in the brain section as well as those in Jan and Feb) emphasize how your thoughts can actually help soothe the problem while the holistic veterinarian is deeply healing the problem. kathleen prasad did a talk on Reiki several years ago with a meditation you can do without any formal Reiki instruction (though that is great).

maybe schedule one of the 15 minute Q/A calls to discuss your concerns about virtual vets.

Dr Christina

Dr. Jean Hofve

VIP Member
Aug 19, 2020
Hi, here is an article about seizures in cats--many of the supplement suggestions (some of which Dr. Jeff mentioned) also work for dogs.

Double-yes on the ketogenic diet, which can stop severe refractory seizures in children. Very low/zero carb is necessary in dogs, and it may take a few weeks.

Also consider EFT, which can be very helpful in these cases. You can use as the episodes are happening, or in-between.


Community Member
Aug 8, 2024
OK, so you're ruling out a virtual homeopathic vet (which is how many of us work).

And a remote energy healer would work.

Is that correct?

If it is, how about Carol Komitor or someone here:

Other options are to try things like the ketogenic diet. Hepato TruBenefits, Vimergy B12, 5MTF (methyl donor and extra B12 that can decrease seizures), etc.

I am not 100% rolling out a virtual vet, but I would much rather a vet to see my dog in person and that seems better. I’m in Norwalk, Connecticut and there are no longer any holistic vets. I will look into the energy, healer, but I need to know what the very, very very best Option is for Peanut. I will also invest in more supplements from the links below.

He already eats a raw keto diet and has done so since I noticed the seizures two years ago.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017


Community Member
Aug 8, 2024
How about Dr. Alvarez or Dr. Seo:

I went there with my other dog, when I first moved here, thinking they were holistic, but they do not practice holistically. They do the Wester Medicine thing. It is disappointing as many vets advertise that they are holistic vets, but when you go there, they no longer practice that way. Same with Schulof and unfortunately Smith Ridge too. Which is how I ended up joining your site.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Yes! You are definitely in the right place to learn more about and get supported with true whole-istic and energetic paradigm.

This is the paradigm of Hahnemann's homeopathy and what I call the Vitality and Balance System (VBS).

Also the 2018 and 2019 weekend VBS using homeopathy seminars (there are 2 introductory and 1 more advanced one) in your HA! member resource area) talk extensively about the framework.

As you found, the unfortunate reality is that some "holistic" (what Dr. Falconer calls "fauxlistic") vets rely primarily on the conventional and physiologically-based (reductionistic) paradigm.


Community Member
Aug 8, 2024
Yes! You are definitely in the right place to learn more about and get supported with true whole-istic and energetic paradigm.

This is the paradigm of Hahnemann's homeopathy and what I call the Vitality and Balance System (VBS).

Also the 2018 and 2019 weekend VBS using homeopathy seminars (there are 2 introductory and 1 more advanced one) in your HA! member resource area) talk extensively about the framework.

As you found, the unfortunate reality is that some "holistic" (what Dr. Falconer calls "fauxlistic") vets rely primarily on the conventional and physiologically-based (reductionistic) paradigm.
Yes, I believe in this more than the traditional western med approach (with humans as well). It’s unfortunate that i cant find a practicing vet. And as a teacher, I’ve had to open 2 new CCs to pay for everything for my baby. Do you think you could help virtually?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Do you think you could help virtually?
Thanks for asking Jenny. Perhaps schedule a 15 minute HA! call for us to discuss your next steps.


Community Member
Oct 17, 2024
I do not understand when you say they will continue to worsen-so what am I to do? Last night they lasted for what seemed like hours while we were in bed-I just held him tight. I do not know if he has them during the day or not, but every night at least once. They began couple of years ago.
Hi Jenny!
I’m brand new just joined today! My baby girl is going through seizures. I’d recommend looking into medical medium Anthony Williams articles via Facebook for dogs/pets. He heals people, however, much of it is similar with our beloved animal family members. I just posted a thread for my sweet girl. I really hope you can find the answers/healing needed for your situation too!

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