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Community Member
Dec 13, 2023
My vet has suggested that Wendell fast for at least two days giving her only 2 cups of veggie broth a day. I’m not sure if it’s because the itching flared up or because I mentioned she hasnt been thrilled about eating her small batch patties seved with veggies esp in the morning. She eats it but not with her normal gusto. This has happened before and I have made some minor adjustment like getting rid of her slow eating bowl or adding a different veggie each meal. So I have a fear about fasting because she loves food. She loves her freeze dried treats in a toy , in her snuffle mat. I’m afraid she going to be an unhappy dog during the fasting. Any suggestions?

A very reluctant fast master,
So to follow up on this post: This morning , instead of fasting, I gave her 1/2 raw patty instead of a whole one, and added more veggies—tofu and yellow squash. She ate her breakfast with gusto and seemed satisfied.
Hey Joe!
she hasnt been thrilled about eating her small batch patties seved with veggies esp in the morning. She eats it but not with her normal gusto.
Ah, it sounds like a transient drop in BEAM.
she loves food
Gotta keep serving up the love in any way you can!
1/2 raw patty instead of a whole one, and added more veggies—tofu and yellow squash. She ate her breakfast with gusto

Smaller more frequent "Happy Meals" is perfect.
Good for you, Joe, to step back and make your own decisions.

My vet has suggested that Wendell fast for at least two days giving her only 2 cups of veggie broth a day. I’m not sure if it’s because the itching flared up or because I mentioned she hasnt been thrilled about eating her small batch patties seved with veggies esp in the morning.

Be sure to ask your veterinarian why she is suggesting this. Remember there are no right answers and no right experts. How is her skin being treated? What modalities?

She eats it but not with her normal gusto. This has happened before and I have made some minor adjustment like getting rid of her slow eating bowl or adding a different veggie each meal.

There is no one right diet for dogs, just as no one right diet for people. Generally, we suggest feeding locally sourced fresh proteins (meat, eggs, dairy, fish, etc). A variety - whatever you eat (if a meat eater). Some big hunks or poultry necks/backs to help keep teeth healthy and pureed vegetables and organ meats. Fine to use commercial raw if you need to d.t. time constraints and to feed fresh when you have the time. I assume you have taken the 101 course? And clicked on Nutrition in the resource library.

So I have a fear about fasting because she loves food. She loves her freeze dried treats in a toy , in her snuffle mat. I’m afraid she going to be an unhappy dog during the fasting.

There is no need to fear fasting. many of our members fast one day or more a week. One client of mine with an itchy dog had fasted on just fermented raw goats milk for a month before coming to me. It temporarily helped the skin, then we resolved it with homeopathy. The dog was fine (and I was surprised) with the dog not acting hungry at all. Do it when you are home to play with and mentally/emotionally nourish her. Search the forum for some member comments on fasting.

It is up to you to note all current and past symptoms (download and use the Healthy Dog Journal to really help with this), then decide if you want to try the fasting once you have asked why your veterinarian wants it.

Dr. Christina
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