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Exercise induced collapse (EIC)


Feb 8, 2023
Hi ❤️
I wrote earlier on the forum when I inquired about natural protection against fleas and ticks.

I have a female labrador retriever, she turned two in December.
Well, she is on a raw diet. She trained agility, she was physically active, she spends a month at sea every year and swims every day, etc. She is 28 kg, slim, in shape, good health.

A few month ago we did genetic tests and from the results we got it turned out that she has EIC (Laboklin). Only after I received the results of the tests, I found out that her father from a world-famous kennel is a carrier and that the mother, who is from a kennel in my country, was not even tested. I've done a lot of research in the last few monts and basically everyone writes the same thing about EIC.

She has no signs of illness, no symptoms. She never had a single sign, not a single episode. I found out by doing the genetic testing that we offer in our country. Then I also ordered a MyDogDNA® — Know Your Dog Better, and we got the same results, everything is fine except EIC.

After that I have reduced her activities.

But I somehow believe that there are other things to do, not just to reduce physical activity. That's why I turned to you.

My question is, do you have experience with this and please can you help me with some tips, guidelines and such?
Are there any supplements I could give her?
What could I change, improve/do for her?

Please for your advice, in what way I could help and provide a quality life for her ❤️?

Thank you very much for your reply.

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hello Mirjana!
But I somehow believe that there are other things to do
Yes! You are so, so correct! There's a whole other world of other things you can do. Here at HA! you'll find the best of both worlds.
do you have experience with this and please can you help me with some tips, guidelines and such?
Yes! The biggest tip is to help your sweet young pu to be as good as she can be. That includes species-appropriate (fresh food feeding), minimizing any further vaccinations or rugs. And letting her be in the natural flow of life.

Because it may be a primary problem in communication between her brain and her muscles perhaps do things like nose work, snuffle mats and lots of Therapeutic Sniff Walks that promote cellular connectivity.

The HA! 101 course is a great place to start learning this approach.
Are there any supplements I could give her?
Perhaps focus on the lifestyle and energetic stuff first before the physical supplements.Things that enhance her mitochondrial energy like Co Q-10, PQQ, Mg, etc. may eventually be useful.
What could I change, improve/do for her?
Perhaps start with the things I mentioned above, always focusing on her happiness, joy and love.



Feb 8, 2023
Dr. Jeff thank you so much for your support ?

Yes! The biggest tip is to help your sweet young pu to be as good as she can be. That includes species-appropriate (fresh food feeding), minimizing any further vaccinations or rugs. And letting her be in the natural flow of life.
I undestand ❤️ Does this mean that she can train agility a little? We do not train at a competitive level, we went recreationally once or twice a week. She likes that exercises very much.

Because it may be a primary problem in communication between her brain and her muscles perhaps do things like nose work, snuffle mats and lots of Therapeutic Sniff Walks that promote cellular connectivity.
Thank you for this tips Dr. Jeff ?❤️ This information is very important to me.
I read about sniffing a long time ago on your blog or IG post, we use it often. Now I will put an even greater focus on it.

Can you think of any other activities, please, that would have a similar effect?

The HA! 101 course is a great place to start learning this approach.
We follow course 101. When she was 6 months old, I switched her to a raw food diet, after an article from Medical Medium, EW. Then I started studying your work, MM recommended you in that text, that's how I found out about you and your platform. So, your tips are very useful for me from the start.

Perhaps focus on the lifestyle and energetic stuff first before the physical supplements.Things that enhance her mitochondrial energy like Co Q-10, PQQ, Mg, etc. may eventually be useful.
Yes, our focus is on lifestyle.
Thanks for the supplement recommendation.??

Perhaps start with the things I mentioned above, always focusing on her happiness, joy and love.
She is one lucky dog ❤️:pup:

Perhaps start with the things I mentioned above, always focusing on her happiness, joy and love.
Thank you ?

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Feb 8, 2023
Things that enhance her mitochondrial energy like Co Q-10, PQQ, Mg, etc. may eventually be useful.

One more questions please, how do I know in what doses I should give supplements?
We do not have holistic vets in our country :(

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome Mirjana!
Does this mean that she can train agility a little?
Great question! And I think the answer depends on lots of other individual information.

For example, how well is she conditioned, what else she loves to do, what she eats, her medical history, etc. These are things you can discuss with your local vets or with a trained virtual vet homeopath.
Can you think of any other activities, please, that would have a similar effect?
Maximizing her exposure to nature and mentally stimulating games can enhance these same neural pathways. However nothing has the same effect as combining these actions with sniffing. That's why I stress the importance of the Therapeutic Sniff Walk.
how do I know in what doses I should give supplements?
Perhaps start with all the actions that do not involve supplements first. Unlike supplements, you can not overdo them. Then use the doses recommended on the bottles of good dog vitamins from 4 Leaf Rover, Adored Beast, Peter Dobias, Earth Animal, etc.

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