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Excessive licking after heat cycle


VIP Member
Jul 16, 2019
Hi @Dr. Sara and @Dr. Jeff - Today is possibly day #19 of Hope’s estrus cycle - no more blood or lots of discharge. However, I noticed that she’s licking her vulva VERY often - more than usual. BEAM is about the same,
EXCEPT1) some coughing and sneezing (and a bit of runny nose), and 2) obsessed with chasing a feral cat in the neighborhood.

I'm a bit concerned because of her excessive licking (it's one of the symptoms as written here: Treatment Options For Pyometra In Dogs | Dogs Naturally) ... please advise. Thank you so much.
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Hey Christine-

As you may have read, pyometra is typically seen around 6 weeks after the heat cycle.

Is she still having any discharge (that you see)?

Any abnormal odors, or urinary signs?
Hey Christine-

As you may have read, pyometra is typically seen around 6 weeks after the heat cycle.

Is she still having any discharge (that you see)?

Any abnormal odors, or urinary signs?
Hi Dr. J - thanks for responding. I think Dr. Sara said it may occur on any time.

I don’t see any discharge and no abnormal odors or urinary signs.

I washed and dried the area today after we came home from our walk...still licking!
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Is Hope usually a fastidious dog?
The licking may be in lieu of tampons and washcloths!

Please keep sharing Hope's story of her estrus. With more thinking about not spaying, more people will love reading of everyone's estrus experiences.

Do put worry and fear of pyometra out of the front of your mind.

Dr. Christina
@Dr. Christina no, she usually is not this much fastidious. We rescued her four months ago and this is her first cycle with us. She was a stray and the vet believed she’s 11yo.

today is possibly day 20 in her cycle. She’s not spotting anymore but her licking is much more frequent than when she was bleeding. Concern?

I will share more here on Hope’s estrus. Not enough info out there I feel.
An urinalysis was recommended by our local holistic vet. He said there’s a lot going on ...infection and inflammation pyometra possibly.

It was a free catch urine sample done at home so Is it very accurate (?).

Her BEAM has been good...she’s just been licking her vulva more frequently and itchy (scratching face and chewing feet) in the last two days.

welcome feedback from any doctors. Thanks.

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Dear Christine,
A free catch urinalysis is not useful for diagnosing the location or presence of infection of the genital or urinary tract. Often urine can be collected by cystocentesis for accurate diagnosis. Free catch urine can have bacteria from anywhere in the tract, including the vulva.
As long as Hope feels well, pyometra is unlikely. Metritus is also unlikely, as there is no smelly discharge.
Cystitis is possible, but this urinalysis doesn't tell you one way or the other.
She may have caused an inflammation of her vulva with excessive licking. Does it look inflamed / red? I would suggest gently cleaning the vulvar area with an unscented baby wipe once or twice a day, then powdering it well with Wise Ways Calendula powder. If you have to order this, you can use a cornstarch based unscented baby powder instead until it arrives.
Many urinary inflammations infections can be treated homeopathically and herbally.
Increased probiotics in the diet will help because they out compete the abnormal bacteria present on the skin.
Remember, watch what Hope is telling you!
Dr. Sara
Thank you, @Dr. Sara, for the explanation and clarifications. It totally makes sense that a free-catch (not mid-stream) urine sample is not so helpful in this case.

I clean her vulva area multiple times a day and it does not seem inflamed/red. I have Wise Ways Calendula powder (I ordered it after I read a post of yours, you suggested it for another pup :) ).

Oh! Thank you so much on the probiotics. She is on Answers goat's milk. I'll see if she is willing to drink more of it. If not, I will get some MitoMax as suggested often here on HA!

Yesterday, I started her on ASEA (6cc internally) as well as spray on her vulva...it seems to be working! She's licking less today.

Her BEAM is good!

Thanks again,
hi @Dr. Sara - Hope is not licking as much but this morning I found some brown clot like in her urine.
She’s acting fine. Is this of a concern (UTI)? @Dr. Jeff

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Dear Christine,
I'm thinking this is about day 23 of estrus, right? Some girls will have a bit of clotted blood come out near the end of the cycle. As long as Hope is acting and eating well, and there is no foul smell, it is likely simply the final bits of discharge passing. A UTI sometimes will have clots like this, though usually they are far smaller. With a UTI we often see urgency, and many times increased frequency of small urinations. This looks like a full size puddle!
Dr. Sara
Dear @Dr. Sara thank you for the prompt response...oh boy, I’m so relieved. Thank you thank you thank you!

have a wonderful weekend!
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