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Eating bushes and licking dog doo



Hi, my 8 month old male maltese ( 5.2 pounds) loves to eat things around my rose bushes. I have since placed a fence around the bush but now he is going to the other bushes. He has a tendency to eat rocks, and sometimes/ occasionally lick or eat the other dogs droppings. ( I personally have not seen it, but my children have found him doing so.) We clean up relatively quickly after the dogs do their business, and I cannot fence every plant or bush in our yard. Dr Jeff, has emailed me before, as I mentioned my little one has a liver shunt.
I have begun him on the recommended drops, Vetri DMG for immune health, and our vet has him on Denamarin once a day, and I give him VitalityBlend each morning, which is a blend of herbs ( nettle leaf, dandelion, alfalfa, ginkgo, hawthorne, chia, astragalus, ashwaganhda and a whole lot of other wonderful herbs.) I also include a pinch to two of reishi mushroom and Barley Grass powder. I prepare him the best of the best for meals. Any thoughts as to how to prevent him from eating the bushes, leaves, carpet, rocks and dog do? :)
Two things come to mind: one is the addition of a digestive enzyme. Have you looked at his pancreatic enzymes? The other would be a homeopathic case-taking to see if there is a systemic and chronic disturbance which could be contributing, since the eating of non-food substances can be a significant symptom pointing towards a way to resolve this. As far as preventing, you will just need to keep him away from things. Getting all alarmist, yelling at him, or even just pulling him or any sort of negative will not have a healthy effect on him. Try distracting, gently saying, "Let's go over here..."
Thank you Ginny. He has since had major surgery and we have noticed a difference, but only time will tell. We have not looked at his enzymes but I will check with the doctor at our next appointment. I love my pups and we did distract him or divert his attention elsewhere.
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