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VIP Member
Pet Professional
May 8, 2017
I have been thinking on the subject of dosing hourly with a 200c (as mentioned in the previous Empower Hour).
Pondering why you would not go up in potency and what the advantages/reason for staying with the 200c hourly dosing?
Thank you,
Great question Becca!

I bet you can guess what I'm going to say.

It depends on the individual and how they are responding to the 200c.

Yes, if they are no longer responding to the 200c, moving to the 1M is the next step.

Frequent dosing like this is clinically useful in at least 2 situations:

1. When a stressor, like a virus, is persisting

2. When there's some cellular or tissue pathology and it needs an extra "push" from the dosing.
Thank you Dr Feinman, now I will ponder on this for a while :)
Please let me know if I can clarify in any way Becca.
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