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Need some help with Charlie's weight loss


VIP Member
Jul 29, 2017
Hello friends! I've been working @Dr. Jeff to help Charlie's stools normalize, if that's a word, since a dismal visit with his cardiologist and was told to limit his salt intake. He also had a reaction to one of his new heart meds which led to minimal vomiting and pretty consistent diarrhea and/or loose stools. This had been an issue a year or so ago but had finally straightened out.

My main concern is his weight loss. He has lost 10 pounds since last summer, 6.5 since July of this year. It seems now most things I feed him end up coming out one end or the other and not in good form. He does best on congee but how long can he just eat that???

Any ideas on a systematic plan I can put in place to provide some adequate nutrition and gain a little weight as I get him back on track?

Using Pulsatilla 200c - he's had three doses -- 8/18, 9/21, and 10/4.

Personally I'm pretty anxious about this and am having trouble staying calm and using the skills and knowledge I've gained over many years to deal with this.

Thank you so much!

Kristen & Charlie
"Personally I'm pretty anxious about this and am having trouble staying calm and using the skills and knowledge I've gained over many years to deal with this."

Kristen, this is the biggest challenge and can really, really make a difference in our animals' health, so keep using all your skills and maybe seek out some more. And I totally know how frustrating it can be.

All symptoms are caused by the vital force imbalance. The remedies slowly unwind years of symptoms produced by the energy template - and this takes time.

How is Charlie's BEAM? Was there any BEAM improvement after the Pulsatilla? If BEAM is improving, even a little, you are moving in the correct direction, even with weight loss.

Lesson 1 of the pet health 101 covers the nature of disease and may help you have more equanimity in the progress of deep healing.

Understanding the progression of disease can help you understand the critical need for patience:
  • First there is an energetic imbalance (my dog just does not feel well)
  • If not resolved, there will be functional symptoms, like itching, or going to litter box frequently
  • Then, as the imbalance progresses there is inflammation, redness, heat, fever, hot spots, urine changes
  • Finally, the energy field produces tissue pathology or tissue changes like thickened skin, skin tumors, crystals, thickened bladder wall, etc.
Reading Chapters 2 & 3 in Don Hamilton's Homeopathic Care of Cats and Dogs and also in Wendy Jensen's Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy will give you more information about this critical paradigm shift of thinking.

A few suggestions you may already be doing that help some animals - feed frequent meals, exercise (even mild) prior to eating (mimics hunting for prey), hide food to be found, PDG (predigest) from Wysong, listen to Anitra Frazier speak about how your thoughts when feeding can totally affect the appetite and even assimilation. The homeopathic medicine will also be addressing this.

You may want to listen to Dr. Bernstein's talk on homeopathy and heart disease.

Dr. Christina
Thank you dear friend...

It will be helpful to re-visit resources from long ago.

BEAM varies, especially energy and mood, but is slowly progressing. His appetite is always a 10 no matter what! It seems that if he's hungry and losing weight his energy and mood would decline and possibly behavior.

To remember the slow unwinding of the remedy is helpful.

Thanks again!

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