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Diet/supplements for CKD/IBD 16 yo feline


Community Member
Oct 17, 2020
@Dr. Sue

My cat Lucy is a patient of Dr. Jeff's. He suggested I reach out to you regarding Standard Process Supplements and supplements and diet in general. Lucy is in Stage 2 renal failure and we are not having any success at the moment in halting its progression. She has IBD as well, complicating matters. She refuses a raw diet and does not really want canned food either; although we are forcing the wet food issue with limited success. However the more wet food, the worse her IBD symptoms become. She also becomes more withdrawn the more we try to "cajole" her into eating more of a wet diet, seeming to tire of being "fooled with" and multiple wet food presentations. Attached is recent bloodwork.

Any help and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Best, Deb


  • Blood work Lucy Deborah Fromhart09132021.pdf
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Thanks Deborah for making your important post.

Maybe @Dr. Sue has some suggestions for you. Especially since Lucy is a dry food "junkie".

Let's see what she says!
Dr. Jeff,

I hope Dr. Sue does too!

Per our conversation yesterday, I had already started to try to get some additional wet food into Lucy's daily ration starting yesterday am. From then to now, there has been a 50% worsening in regard to her stools with increasing frequency as well as lack of being formed. She has also not been herself today; I think it is her belly that is bothering her. It seems the more liquid/wet food I introduce, I get a worsening of her GI symptoms and her BEAM worsens as a whole, being withdrawn even more and not wanting a lot of petting and actually removing herself from our touch. This is after 48 hours of increased wet and decreased dry food. Still going to the litter box immediately after halting her meal of wet food. Wanted to advise of this change as I am hoping this might be some sort of clue as to what might be going on.
I had to order the Arsenica remedy, hopefully will have in a couple of days.

Best, Deb
@Dr. Sue

My cat Lucy is a patient of Dr. Jeff's. He suggested I reach out to you regarding Standard Process Supplements and supplements and diet in general. Lucy is in Stage 2 renal failure and we are not having any success at the moment in halting its progression. She has IBD as well, complicating matters. She refuses a raw diet and does not really want canned food either; although we are forcing the wet food issue with limited success. However the more wet food, the worse her IBD symptoms become. She also becomes more withdrawn the more we try to "cajole" her into eating more of a wet diet, seeming to tire of being "fooled with" and multiple wet food presentations. Attached is recent bloodwork.

Any help and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Best, Deb
Hi Deborah,
It's tough when your kitty is having issues with diet change and is dealing with several complicating issues. The wet food would be ideal, but the transition is likely too much too fast for her. She may also need the fiber that is in the dry diet. Her bloodwork indicates that she may need phosphorous restriction soon or a phosphate binder in the food. The binder is in a powder form, so difficult to give when she's eating dry. The following link is a good explanation on how to transition cats to wet food: https://catinfo.org/docs/TipsForTransitioning1-14-11.pdf

I would add psyllium husk, canned pumpkin or Standard Process Whole Food Fiber (1/8 tsp twice daily) to her canned diet to help with the stools.

The Standard Process Feline Renal Support and Feline Enteric Support supplements would be great. They come in tablet form so she may like them as they are the texture of her dry food. You can also pill them if necessary. I would start with one tablet of each per day and work up to one tablet of each twice daily.

I hope this helps!

Dr. Sue
Dr. Sue,

Thank you for the suggestions. Question, her stools have only some to no form at all and right now she is going about 4 x a day ranging from 50% formed to "cow pies". She is already on Aventi Kidney phosphate binder with the dry food, although I am unable to get the full dose down her. I was advised to put her on Orajen dry (since she is a dry food junkie from the shelter many years ago) and to take her off the therapeutic kidney diet to avoid weight loss. In light of her recent bloodwork, I am wondering if I should put her back on the therapeutic kidney diet in spite of the poorer nutrition to limit the phosphorus.
She has been put on a product called Fiber Detox previously with no improvement, in fact, it made her worse. We have tried numerous others.....Which of the above suggested fiber supplements would add bulk to her stool as that seems to be our most immediate problem? (pumpkin is a no go with her, we have tried multiple times) I will check out the website you recommended.

Thank you, Deb

@Dr. Sue
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Hi Deborah,

As hard as it is, you may need to put her on the dry therapeutic kidney diet. You may be able to mix some of the Orijen in with it to get a little better nutrition. If the stools have no form, first try the kidney diet to see if they firm up. The Standard Process supplements may help too.

Continue to work on getting her interested in the canned diet using the transition tips. It will take a while. Look at Dave's reduced phosphorous canned diet as an option.


Dr. Sue
@Dr. Sue

Dr. Sue,

Thank you for your suggestions.

Would it be possible to do a consult via zoom or phone to go over therapeutic diets out there and supplements as to which ones might be most appropriate, if you are taking on any new clients ? I have ordered the feline renal from standard process and have started to re-integrate the Blue Buffalo kidney diet back into her regimen as well as incorporating the suggestions in the web article you referenced in switching to a wet food diet. We again are having very limited success with that but will keep trying. There is a supplement called Pet well Being kidney support Gold as well as Pet Well being BM Tone up Gold. Don't know if you are familiar with either and if you can comment in any way on these herbal supplements as to how appropriate they might be for her IBD and kidney issues. We are currently giving the Kidney support Gold and have given the BM support Gold in the past. Will check with a local retailer about Dave's reduced phosphorus diet canned. Thank you again!!

Best, Deb
@ Dr. Sue
@ Dr. Jeff

re: diet 16 YO cat IBD/CKD, Lucy

transitioning to wet but IBD worse; on 5 mg prednisolone for IBD already. 3-4 BM/day, 70% formed to "cow pies". SP Feline renal/SP enteric support; 2 days at full dose. Stools worsened w/50%wet food/50% dry (with some kidney diet dry mixed in.) eats well; weight stable; back end increasingly uncomfortable/irritated
Dosing psyllium in am. 1 teaspoon 1-2 x a day for dosing? 2 doses Arsenica album so far as well...

Not sure of what else to do at this point.....
@Dr. Sue

Dr. Sue,

Thank you for your suggestions.

Would it be possible to do a consult via zoom or phone to go over therapeutic diets out there and supplements as to which ones might be most appropriate, if you are taking on any new clients ? I have ordered the feline renal from standard process and have started to re-integrate the Blue Buffalo kidney diet back into her regimen as well as incorporating the suggestions in the web article you referenced in switching to a wet food diet. We again are having very limited success with that but will keep trying. There is a supplement called Pet well Being kidney support Gold as well as Pet Well being BM Tone up Gold. Don't know if you are familiar with either and if you can comment in any way on these herbal supplements as to how appropriate they might be for her IBD and kidney issues. We are currently giving the Kidney support Gold and have given the BM support Gold in the past. Will check with a local retailer about Dave's reduced phosphorus diet canned. Thank you again!!

Best, Deb
Hi Deb,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I just got back from vacation and am playing catch-up! Yes, we are taking a limited amount of new clients and I'd be happy to schedule a Zoom consult with you. I have openings next week and the week following. Next Monday theh 4th I have some openings in the afternoon at 2pm and 3 pm EST. Let me know if either of those work for you. We can talk about the Pet Well Being products (which I like if they fit your kitty's body pattern) too. Glad that you got the Standard Process Feline Renal Support.

Talk soon,

Dr. Sue
I was able to call your office and get set up for 10/5 zoom consult. Thanks so much! Look forward to your insights!! Best Deb
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