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Pet Professional
Apr 30, 2023
Pet's Information: Cotton, 11 years, Female/Spayed, Golden Brittany 55#

-More playful, more appetite, overall more happy than with initial onset of symptoms. -Resumed walks (after laryngeal paralysis was ruled out) which she loves.
-Does not like a cart, will jump out; have on hand if future need arises.
-Sleeping improved.
-Does huff/puff with activity.
-Medications are given with first spoon of food without resistance.
-Cleaning/rinsing of mouth is tolerated; she seems to know the purpose.

-Appetite is healthy; rarely loses interest.
-Hand feeding (spoon) to control intake.
-Owner prepares homemade, low sodium food, grinds/blends to ensure ease in swallowing. -Mashed potatoes with bone broth.
-Softened Beneful dry kibble and Purina Little Bites with recent addition of Purina kibble for sensitive stomach with probiotics.
-Likes pumpkin; backed off feeding pumpkin late spring.
-Dislikes baby food.
-Water is in elevated dish.
-Syringes out mouth to help rinse away excess food/debris after feeding.

Medications: (Per family)
-Famotidine 20 mg, 1 BID (am/pm)
-Omeprazole 20 mg, 1 BID (am/pm) given 1-2 hours pre or post other medications. -Metoclopramide 5 mg, 1 BID (am/pm)
-Prednisone 10 mg, 1 EOD (every other day)
-Cerenia 60 mg, 1 SID for decreased appetite, on hand for when need arises.
Previous medications: -Azithromycin -Doxycycline -Carafate -Ondansetron -Apoquel

PRIMARY PROBLEM, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time:
-Changes noted in spring of 2023 ruling out megaesophagus, lymphoma, laryngeal paralysis with exact diagnosis yet unknown.
-Neurological issue present, right side of face sunken, right eye won’t completely open, drooling, tongue curling on right side.
-rDVM visit/exam late August, 2023 noted bloodwork as excellent with radiographs revealing possible tumor (suspected cancer) pressing against esophagus causing altering limitations.
-Began steroid therapy at that time with injection followed by oral dosing.
-Hacking/barking to “clear” throat, retching.
-Chews air.
-Eats grass to seek comfort and is not able to be outside without supervision due to intake. -Will eat feces, pumpkin ingestion does seem to retard that interest.
-Eating and completing the swallowing process presents ongoing struggle and concern. -Vomiting.
-Gulping sound at night, trying to keep liquid down with not much solid.
-Eye drainage; eye drops daily helps.
-Does not like visiting the vet office.

IS THE CONDITION BETTER OR WORSE from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc?
-Tolerates short walks with some panting, however Cotton seems to always want to go further than mom lets her.
-Just don’t want to over due things.
-Excitement will cause her to try to bark or howl which has been comprised since last spring.
-Doesn’t mind being touched, doesn’t like getting her mouth wiped but never gets mad.
-Hard foods she would love except it would be difficult for her to swallowing the hard stuff.
-Ready to eat anything she can.

HAS ANY DIAGNOSTIC work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them):
-CBC, Chemistry, T4, SDMA, 4DX (N/N/N/N).
-FNA's of lymph nodes, radiographs with no diagnosis provided; treating symptoms.

CURRENT and previous treatment:
-Recently changed to a different food which is highly digestible and stomach friendly.
-Really seems to like it and lately much less gurgling sounds with reduced gulping or acid reflux unsure if it’s related to the change in food or not.
-Her eye has been less weepy than in the past.

OTHER health concerns:
-Flare up 1/28 and 1/29 with loose stools both days. Camera view to check in while at work demonstrated distress during day Monday.
-Pacing in the kennel not settling down; acting if need to defecate.
-Did let her out after running home to eliminate and diarrhea with moderate gas noted and two small vomit spells.
-Cycle continued to repeat with discomfort during afternoon eliminating once in her kennel.
-Cotton turned away from all food.
-Administered Cerenia once at lunch time.
-She ate ice and water until Tuesday afternoon, finally food with coaxing.
-Resumed all medications Thursday when she foaming process began again.
-Five days later and she is close to normal.

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Hi GinnySue!

Wow, Cotton has been through a lot. It sounds like she's pretty happy right now...?

You may want to limit her ultra-processed and carbohydrate laden kibble. Perhaps instead focus on feeding 100% fresh foods.

Did you have any specific questions?
With homeopathy or excellent Chinese medicine along with other holistic approaches these problems could be resolves at the energy level without the need for a lifetime of steroids.

-Neurological issue present, right side of face sunken, right eye won’t completely open, drooling, tongue curling on right side.
-rDVM visit/exam late August, 2023 noted bloodwork as excellent with radiographs revealing possible tumor (suspected cancer) pressing against esophagus causing altering limitations.
-Began steroid therapy at that time with injection followed by oral dosing.

So glad she recovered from this epsode.

Keep sending lots of love to her, maybe do some slow massage, TTouch, other energy work while you follow HMDM (holistic medical decision making) - do a search on the site for more on this. Taking the 101 class may give you some new ideas as well.

Dr. Christina
Hi GinnySue!

Wow, Cotton has been through a lot. It sounds like she's pretty happy right now...?

You may want to limit her ultra-processed and carbohydrate laden kibble. Perhaps instead focus on feeding 100% fresh foods.

Did you have any specific questions?
Do you see a tumor in the radiograph that the rDVM is referencing?
With homeopathy or excellent Chinese medicine along with other holistic approaches these problems could be resolves at the energy level without the need for a lifetime of steroids.

-Neurological issue present, right side of face sunken, right eye won’t completely open, drooling, tongue curling on right side.
-rDVM visit/exam late August, 2023 noted bloodwork as excellent with radiographs revealing possible tumor (suspected cancer) pressing against esophagus causing altering limitations.
-Began steroid therapy at that time with injection followed by oral dosing.

So glad she recovered from this epsode.

Keep sending lots of love to her, maybe do some slow massage, TTouch, other energy work while you follow HMDM (holistic medical decision making) - do a search on the site for more on this. Taking the 101 class may give you some new ideas as well.

Dr. Christina
Thank you so much, Dr. Christina! We appreciate you and Dr. Jeff's guidance and encouragement.
Do you see a tumor in the radiograph that the rDVM is referencing?
I see lots of shadows but no overt tumor. However, I am not a radiology specialist and wonder what they would say...
Do you see a tumor in the radiograph that the rDVM is referencing?

Hi GinnySue!

Wow, Cotton has been through a lot. It sounds like she's pretty happy right now...?

You may want to limit her ultra-processed and carbohydrate laden kibble. Perhaps instead focus on feeding 100% fresh foods.

Did you have any specific questions?
Hello Dr. Jeff~~
Is it better to lower protein or carbohydrate in this case?
Thank you for your thoughts.
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