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Jan 10, 2023
Does anyone have any experience with dealing with chiggers and cats? I'm looking for things that I can do to treat the cats' symptoms and to get rid of the chiggers in the yard.

Two of our backyard colony cats have been licking their fur and skin off creating wounds due to the chiggers. This has been going on for the past 3 or 4 years. I've been working with a homeopath and it helps a little, but not enough. They're so uncomfortable and I'm concerned about the constant licking and wounds. It seems to get worse every year.

I flea comb them periodically and rarely find any fleas or flea dirt on them.

There are two other cats in the colony and the chiggers don't seem to bother them. The chiggers bother us and we're careful when we go out to protect ourselves from them.

The chiggers showed up in our yard about 4 or 5 years ago. They're almost unheard of in the area we live in (Northern California) and we don't know where they came from. They last 4 or 5 months in the late spring, summer, and early autumn months.

I've tried some herbal tinctures in their food, which doesn't seem to do anything and they won't eat their food (homemade raw diet) if I put even a touch of garlic in it.

I've contacted the homeopath to see if there are any other remedies we can try. I've also started them on a CBT oil to see if that will help calm their systems. The cats are part of a colony so our ability with ways to treat them is a bit more limited than with pets.

Thank you for any leads!
Hey Basha!

Sorry to hear about the pesky chiggers.

I'm checking with Katya to see if their nematodes might help.

Stay tuned...
Katya said you might find your answer in this blog:

Thank you, @Dr. Jeff! I've started to go through their website. Does Katya have any experience with using the product or know of anyone who's used it before?
Great. Is Katya on the forum or able to share what their experience with the product was/is? I combed through their website and it looks like it could be worth trying. I couldn't find an ingredient list on their website – I've reached out to them to get it and ask about chiggers.
Katya replies to emails at:


Yes,I learned a bit more about the lifecycle of chiggers and agree that it's worth trying the Flea Destroyer hungry nematodes!
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