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Cat with running sore red eyes


Community Member
Dec 29, 2023
1. Pumpkin (Precious) cat
2. 12
3. Female
4. Neutered at 4 years
5. Siamese flame sealpoint
6. 4.13 kg 9.08 lbs
7. BEAM (behavior - quiet and slow, energy- sleeping lots, appetite- eating less, mood- subdued)
8. Diet - moved from kibble to canned pate, fed 4 times a day, total 8 grams. eats some kibble in the night, 8 treats daily
9. Vaccination history - Feline Leukemia 4 week, Nobivac FELV 25 dose no rabies, no FHCP / other medication- Metacam
10. Primary problem - back tooth needs extraction, gum swollen all around area, has abscess that ruptures, taken to emergency vet, treated, begins Metacam, Gabapentin, Clindamycin in pills. Clyndamycin does not work, battle to get it into her and then throws up. After 5 of 12 days give up, go to vet and he gives her shot of 2 weeks antibiotic.
Pumpkin has a hard recovery but hole in cheek heals, back to vet, lost weight is concern, and take off the cone.
Next problem, with cone off Pumpkin attacks cleaning her eyes and rubs them raw, tearing and closed. Back to vet. Checks for tears along eye, scratches, ulcers, fine. Get drops from drugstore to wet them - hydrasense drops, and get cone off so she will eat and gain weight. Not a chance. Cone off and she is all over cleaning her eyes and intense rubbing. So she still has cone on.
11. Condition worsens immediately upon rubbing eyes but her eyes tear during day - clear and leaves trail of dark. No smell or thickness.
12. Diagnosis - My personal diagnosis is I think she is doing a reaction to that 2 week antibiotic shot. She was leaving her eyes alone before that.
13. Current and previous treatment - started her on silicea 20 yesterday - read that it supports immune system. Looked at natrum muriaticum 12, hepar sulphuris 6, aconitum napellus by reading books. Can I give 20 rather than 6 or 12. That is what I can buy.
I am just beginning to learn these remedies. Recommendations please.
14. Other health concerns - Pumpkin has surgery for tooth extraction booked Aug 2nd. Vet wants more weight on her by then. She carries the rhinovirus, inherited from the mother cat. Perhaps this is also the issue. Thank you.

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Welcome to HA! NLP and thanks for making your first post.

I'm sorry about your Precious Pumpkin's health challenges.

Can I give 20 rather than 6 or 12. That is what I can buy.
Great question, thanks for asking! It is super important to first put her symptoms in context in order to decide what to do.

You're right that the eye discharge may be a beneficial detox response.Or it may be her body's response to the tooth/gum inflammation. Are the "bad" tooth and eye discharge on the same side?

Regarding your question about the deep-acting homeopathic medicines, my answer would be not to use any of these potencies on your own.

The eye discharge is a manifestation of a deep-seated imbalance that ideally is skillfully worked through with the guidance of a well trained and experienced vet homeopath.

If you already have someone on her vet care team, great! If you don't you can try Dr. Todd Cooney, Judith Herman, Adriana Sagrera, etc. They all will work with you by phone along with your local vet.

If consulting with a vet homeopath is not an option for you at this time, and you feel intuitively drawn to use homeopathy, try this (along with the holistic actions which build vitality in the 101 course):

Dr. Christina, what do you say?


Community Member
Dec 29, 2023
thank you Dr Jeff. Now how do I reach these recommended homeopathic vets that you listed. Also Dr. Christina had mentioned one from Calgary Alberta that who be good for using Canadian money. I have misplaced the name. Can you direct me?

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
You're welcome! 😍💚 🦋
Now how do I reach these recommended homeopathic vets that you listed.
Phone or through the contact form on their web sites.
Also Dr. Christina had mentioned one from Calgary Alberta that who be good for using Canadian money. I have misplaced the name. Can you direct me?
I'm not sure who she meant. My understanding is that virtual appointments are hard to get in Canada.

Regardless, here's the full vet AVH homeopath referral list:


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