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Cat Collars


Community Member
Dec 29, 2023
My cat Pumpkin has now worn a collar for 3 weeks.
Her neck now has patches where the hair has rubbed off. She has to keep wearing it because she is rubbing her eyes red and sore and then cannot open them. Is there a recommended cat collar off Amazon or somewhere else that would stop the rubbing off of the hair and still be large enough to keep her front paws away from her eyes and the hind paw away from her wound the her left cheek.
@Dr. Jeff @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve
Have you tried this:

The collar I need is not for fleas or ticks.
It is so the cat cannot rub her eyes with her front paws.
Well... I can count on one hand the number of times I've used an e-collar on a cat because I hate them... but in those days only the hard, opaque plastic ones were available, so I had good reasons for my dislike. That's a good article, Dr. Jeff, and covers the basic options. If I were a cat, I think one of the puffy ones (like this or this or this) would be the least obnoxious and fit your specific needs, but it is such an individual thing whether the cat can get around it or not. Some cats are more inventive (and flexible) than others!
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