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Broken nail


Community Member
Apr 14, 2023
1. Name: Gracie
2. Age: 1 yr, 8 mths
3. Sex: Female
4. Neutering status: Intact
5. Breed: English Lab
6. Approximate weight: 73 pounds
7. What's their BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood): Very good
8. Diet: Primal, frozen raw, 4 day rotation b/w different proteins, green beans, coconut oil, Vetri Mega Probiotic (Vetri Science), bully sticks
9. Vaccination history / exposure to toxins, other medication: Rabies-10/20/22, 10/5/23; Distemper/Parvo-7/29/23, 9/22/23
10. Primary problem, when it began and if there was anything else happening around that time: Gracie's nail is gone on her front, right paw. Just noticed the nail this evening on 3/2/23. She has been chewing on her nails but she usually chews on her back foot.
11. Is the condition better or worse from exercise, heat, cold, time of day, certain foods, emotional upset, being touched, excitement, etc: After she jumps up on the couch, she holds her paw in the air (to show it's bothering her) b/c she's making contact w/ a soft surface unlike the carpeted floor. She is walking normally. She has been sleeping this evening w/o licking it but she licks it from time to time when awake.
12. Has any diagnostic work been done? Diagnosis if available (you can attach your diagnostic tests to the post if you have them.): No
13. Current and previous treatment: Gave her T-Relief-Pet Pain drops
14. Other health concerns: Seasonal allergies and allergy season has started where I live.

I tried to use tags but it's not working.


Injured nail.jpg
Thanks Sarah, for posting about Gracie.

Your observations about how she is doing in spite of her sore paw were a great demo of BEAM - behavior, energy, appetite and mood. These are criteria to help you know if you can help her at home or need to go the vet.

Now, imagine, that you dropped something on your toe and the toe nail was torn back to the quick. What would you do for it?

You may want to try several things with Gracie to see what make her most comfortable while she heals. Try taping a sock over her foot with masking tape so you can take it off when she is inside, or comfortable. You could use some calendula, or other herbal healing creams or lotions.

If you know energy healing - Reiki, HTA (healing touch for animals), EFT (emotion freedom technique), Bengston Method, Eden energy medicine, Tellington TTouch, Acupressure, Chi Gong, Tui Na, Tong Ren, WEBB. Quantum Touch, Prayer; Hands on intention; Prayer; Scalar Wave; Angels; Emotion code - do use it as much as she wants.

Focus on what makes her happy, and visualize the foot being the same as the others.

Keep us posted if she is showing increased pain or discomfort.

Now, for the chronic itching! These symptoms indicate her energy field is out of balance, so increasing vitality is key. Read, or re-read the 101 holistic health course, paying particular attention to the vaccine section as they often weaken the vitality. Also go to the library and read the skin, allergies and even ears sections.

Schedule your 15 call with one of us, and consider going the article on finding a holistic vet and begin now to work on rebuilding the energy field while the symptoms are merely on the skin.

Dr. christina
Hey Sarah!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first post.

I'm sorry to see Gracie's broken nail.

Fortunately, it's not bothering her much. :dog2: :)
Gracie's nail is gone on her front, right paw. Just noticed the nail this evening on 3/2/23
Dr. Christina made some great suggestions. I'd add that it may take up to a few months for the nail to fully grow back, but it will (tho she'd be fine without it).

The exposed red area (which also is the part the nail will grow from) may be sensitive for a few weeks, so just keep an eye on it, keep it clean after playing out in the dirt with some warm water or peroxide.

As Dr. Christina said, you may want to keep it covered for a few weeks (especially if she goes out to play in the mud).

Now may also be a great time to embark on her regenerative and rebalancing journey with a virtual vet homeopath besides continuing your monitoring of Gracie along with your local vet.

Thanks Sarah, for posting about Gracie.

Your observations about how she is doing in spite of her sore paw were a great demo of BEAM - behavior, energy, appetite and mood. These are criteria to help you know if you can help her at home or need to go the vet.

Now, imagine, that you dropped something on your toe and the toe nail was torn back to the quick. What would you do for it?

You may want to try several things with Gracie to see what make her most comfortable while she heals. Try taping a sock over her foot with masking tape so you can take it off when she is inside, or comfortable. You could use some calendula, or other herbal healing creams or lotions.

If you know energy healing - Reiki, HTA (healing touch for animals), EFT (emotion freedom technique), Bengston Method, Eden energy medicine, Tellington TTouch, Acupressure, Chi Gong, Tui Na, Tong Ren, WEBB. Quantum Touch, Prayer; Hands on intention; Prayer; Scalar Wave; Angels; Emotion code - do use it as much as she wants.

Focus on what makes her happy, and visualize the foot being the same as the others.

Keep us posted if she is showing increased pain or discomfort.

Now, for the chronic itching! These symptoms indicate her energy field is out of balance, so increasing vitality is key. Read, or re-read the 101 holistic health course, paying particular attention to the vaccine section as they often weaken the vitality. Also go to the library and read the skin, allergies and even ears sections.

Schedule your 15 call with one of us, and consider going the article on finding a holistic vet and begin now to work on rebuilding the energy field while the symptoms are merely on the skin.

Dr. christina
Thank you for the feedback. I used calendula ointment on her nail and it healed on its own. I also called the vet for their opinion and they said it would heal on its own. The allergies are still an issue and I have read the information that you suggested but not all, as there is a lot there to read through. I'll eventually get through it. Gracie has not received any additional vaccines and I don't plan on having her get anymore. I had to do initial vaccines so I could have her attend a training class. I definitely need to find a more holistic vet as the one that I currently use is not all that holistic in my opinion even though they are a member of the AHVMA.
Hey Sarah!

Welcome to HA! and thanks for making your first post.

I'm sorry to see Gracie's broken nail.

Fortunately, it's not bothering her much. :dog2: :)

Dr. Christina made some great suggestions. I'd add that it may take up to a few months for the nail to fully grow back, but it will (tho she'd be fine without it).

The exposed red area (which also is the part the nail will grow from) may be sensitive for a few weeks, so just keep an eye on it, keep it clean after playing out in the dirt with some warm water or peroxide.

As Dr. Christina said, you may want to keep it covered for a few weeks (especially if she goes out to play in the mud).

Now may also be a great time to embark on her regenerative and rebalancing journey with a virtual vet homeopath besides continuing your monitoring of Gracie along with your local vet.

Thank you for the feedback! Her nail healed on its own.

Thanks so much for the follow-up Sarah. I'm very happy to hear that you were able to trust Gracie's natural healing ability! 😍
one that I currently use is not all that holistic in my opinion even though they are a member of the AHVMA.
Yes, I hear 'ya. Your best bet is to get a word of mouth recommendation or just look around until you find someone who resonates with you.

It may also be easier to just find an open-minded and supportive conventional vet.

Then you could expand your search for a virtual vet homeopath who can help resolve Gracie's energetic imbalance that causes her allergies.
Glad she healed well.

Reading our article on finding a vet will help you find ones (virtual or in person) to be on your team
AND help you understand more about your relationship with them. And definitely some are not very wholistic!

There is no one right answer, no one right expert, so you will almost always need to be your dog's advocate.

Dr. Christina
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