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Hi @Dr. Jeff - you mentioned giving beet juice to Koby during our consultation today. Do you have a recipe I can follow? How much should I give him per day? Thanks!
I love this naturally sweet beet juice made with beets, fresh lemon, ginger, and hydrating cucumber. It tastes incredible and is packed with vitamin C!
However, you can also just steam then grate the beets and use them without juicing.
For Koby you can try beets or any variety of foods to see if he will eat anything. If he won't eat on his own, you can start by syringe feeding 2ml 3x a day besides any other foods you can get into him.
If he doesn't like the beet juice, try celery juice, chopped up broccoli, etc.
There are any number of beet juice products out there these days. Look for unsweetened beet root powder. A tablespoonful or less can be dumped onto food. Even unsweetened, it is quite sweet, so watch not to cause a blood sugar spike. The specific benefit of beet powder seems to be to boost blood circulation through increased nitric oxide production.