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Basic question: preparing nervous cat for vet visit


Community Member
Apr 23, 2021
I'm never sure about how to help minimize my cat's nervousness/fear about getting in the carrier and driving to the vet's office.
She has had trauma around vet visits and I'm very concerned about doing anything that will stress her and possibly trigger her past pancreatitis.
Rescue remedy on paws is one thing I've done. Trying to calm myself is another that I know is critical.
Other basic recommendations?

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Pam, those are two GREAT things to do. Give the Rescue Remedy 30 mins before leaving, then 15, then a few minutes, put some on the towels in the carrier.

Is this an optional visit? If so, reschedule it for several months away and begin to train your cat to LOVE traveling in the car because she gets a treat (food, cuddle, play) that she only gets then. Start with getting in the carrier, then reward. When fine with that, carry to door. reward. When fine with that, get into car and sit. Play music. use tellington t touch methods. reward. Start the car. Back out of drive and back in.

Just like switching a resistant cat to fresh food - tiny increments is important and the timing depends on your cat.

You may want to explore other flower essence companies as well. Use the dowsing Sue Whittaker taught us and Dr. Sue Wagner spoke about to select some of them.

Dr. Christina

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Pam-

Right away (before a vet visit) you may want to get her used to going into her carrier (maybe feed her closer and closer to it then move the food into the carrier (with the door open).

Then get her used to it being carried to the car and see how she does.

Many cats just hate going in the carrier so the vet trip can be stressful.


Community Member
Apr 23, 2021
Pam, those are two GREAT things to do. Give the Rescue Remedy 30 mins before leaving, then 15, then a few minutes, put some on the towels in the carrier.

Is this an optional visit? If so, reschedule it for several months away and begin to train your cat to LOVE traveling in the car because she gets a treat (food, cuddle, play) that she only gets then. Start with getting in the carrier, then reward. When fine with that, carry to door. reward. When fine with that, get into car and sit. Play music. use tellington t touch methods. reward. Start the car. Back out of drive and back in.

Just like switching a resistant cat to fresh food - tiny increments is important and the timing depends on your cat.

You may want to explore other flower essence companies as well. Use the dowsing Sue Whittaker taught us and Dr. Sue Wagner spoke about to select some of them.

Dr. Christina
Thank you, Dr. Christina, for your helpful suggestions!


Community Member
Apr 23, 2021
Hey Pam-

Right away (before a vet visit) you may want to get her used to going into her carrier (maybe feed her closer and closer to it then move the food into the carrier (with the door open).

Then get her used to it being carried to the car and see how she does.

Many cats just hate going in the carrier so the vet trip can be stressful.
Thank you, Dr. Jeff. Great idea.

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