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Anal gland odor


Community Member
Jan 3, 2021
I have been befuddled for many months as to what the odor was coming from Blossom seemingly smelled when she is excited. i never smelled anal glands before but the reputation is the act of expressing them is really foul. NOW I know the odor.... Today I figured it out finally after many many months that I thought was because she still had her hormones. I keep a roll of paper towels in the car and she must have sat on them. Next time I went in the car I saw a stain of poop on them. I smelled it and BINGO, THAT was the odor I have smelled for months. So I did read the previous posts on this issue. As I said in a prior post today, the homeopath said to give her Silicea, one dose for the skin tag. However I will text him tomorrow and check to see what he recommends now. She used to scoot more in the house but lately and after I gave her the dose of Sulphur she has been better (not sure if Sulphur covers that.) Her poops are ok and she is not straining. I give her plenty of fibrous veggies and pumpkin or squash with her meals I know I have to look tomorrow at 5 and 7 position under her butt but she is resisting.
I thought my long time holistic vet I used to have said to not express the anal glands because once you do they have to be done all the time. I guess maybe he meant when people go to the groomers and they do it. I guess I should check for inflammation but when I take her to the vet say I rather they not be expressed if not needed other than the odor issue. I thought I read some dogs just release this odor when excited even though there is no problem. I never had my dogs anal glands ever expressed in all the years. My Gabby had an impacted one early on that needed surgery but that was it.

Should I give even more fiber like psyllium I thought too much fiber can also cause anal gland blockages. Again she is not having problems with straining or mushy or too dry poop

I can try and lift her tail for a quick look while outside tomorrow. That odor is gross....when she anticipates food I even smell it, any stress----or anticipation---good or bad---WHEW...
not sure if Sulphur covers that.
In general, most remedies cover most problems, swhen they match the majority of symptoms.

The main reason to check back with your homeopath before giving the silica (also good for anal glad issues) is that there was improvement with Sulphur. You may need to just wait longer. Specifically, how improved was it on Sulphur? Your homeopath will want to know that. How long did the improvement last?

not express the anal glands because once you do they have to be done all the time
This is true, but not true. When glands are causing problems (scooting, licking and feel full) they need to be gently expressed and the symptom recorded in the journal. Hot packs with calendula, flower essences, etc, may be enough, or gentle pressure sideways. Impacted ones usually respond to a few days of this. Even when glads are frequently expressed I have not seen an increase in need, but the underlying issue is not being addressed. Just because there is an odor is not a reason to express.

And in a post on creatine, Dr. Jean said: there is such an emphasis now on more and more fiber, but it isn't natural for humans and certainly not for carnivores! I have seen a lot of damage done to constipated cats by too much fiber!

Dr. Christina
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not sure if Sulphur covers that.
In general, most remedies cover most problems, swhen they match the majority of symptoms.

The main reason to check back with your homeopath before giving the silica (also good for anal glad issues) is that there was improvement with Sulphur. You may need to just wait longer. Specifically, how improved was it on Sulphur? Your homeopath will want to know that. How long did the improvement last?

not express the anal glands because once you do they have to be done all the time
This is true, but not true. When glands are causing problems (scooting, licking and feel full) they need to be gently expressed and the symptom recorded in the journal. Hot packs with calendula, flower essences, etc, may be enough, or gentle pressure sideways. Impacted ones usually respond to a few days of this. Even when glads are frequently expressed I have not seen an increase in need, but the underlying issue is not being addressed. Just because there is an odor is not a reason to express.

And in a post on creatine, Dr. Jean said: there is such an emphasis now on more and more fiber, but it isn't natural for humans and certainly not for carnivores! I have seen a lot of damage done to constipated cats by too much fiber!

Dr. Christina
Hi Dr. Christina

I gave Blossom a bath today and I didn't really see any inflammation back there. She doesn't seem bothered by anything there. But I have made an appointment next wednesday to go over some of these things. I found an easy way to examine under her tail. Last night when I tried to check it she stiffened up her tail. Today I pet her outside in the sun as she was standing and she started to wag and wave the tail---I had a perfect view.....:) She enjoyed her bath as she is shedding and I used a brush on her back which she seemed to love. I never had a dog who didn't end up loving a bath. Back to the topic, I texted the homeopath and gave more detail and he said to still give a dose of silicia. Next week I will get her blood work updated and probably do a phone consult with him again. I do not know if the sulphur affects her behaviour but she had a manifestation after I came home last friday I have never seen before. She got all wound up and I went to sit on the sofa. she kept wildly jumping from the floor to the sofa, banging my knee a couple times (she also never goes on the sofa), put a couple holes in the sofa with her claws and when I told her to stop. She sat on the floor and started to growl and look at me. She seemed to be spinning out of control after I had been gone for a few hours. Maybe I was over excited to see her which I was as the party I went to was a snooze and I could not wait to see her....but I never saw this reaction. Thank you for the input. I guess this is all the art of homeopathy as well
Who is your homeopath?
Shedding more than just a little is also one of the early warning signs of internal imbalance, so do keep track of amount in the journal.
All symptoms represent the reaction to remedies, especially BEAM.

Dr. Christina
Dr. Todd. I thought I recall here a member using him with success. I do not recall the odor when I first got her Sept 2022. I think I noticed it after the first heat she had after her OSS. The heat was Dec 2023 and the OSS was 10-30-23. I am kind of losing faith after trying several homeopaths that had a good reputation and results are either dire (as in my deceased JJ's case where symptoms were suppressed and he died a horrible death as they were progressing over time but suppressed till the end-). Then one whose rememdies did nothing or worsened the car behavior problems, which I got under control myself. And now this awful odor when she is excited or stressed. How do we really know anyhow. I do think her bloodwork got better from the high RBC they thought was polycythemia. Everything normalized when I had it tested before her OSS surgery. But she is back to walking slowly sometimes (for her first walk at noon). I was going to have a consult when she gets her blood done next week. Seems I never have the right homeopath and why is that. The one I had previously just talked about training which seemed off topic to me with regard to balancing her body to feel calmer and thus behave better. I don't know if any of the remedies I gave her this year, Arsenicum and the sulphur affected or influenced that weird behavior when I came home last friday---my knee still hurts from her banging and jumping around like an ape.
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