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Community Member
Aug 24, 2024
My dog Joey, (shiatzu) 12 years of age, minimally vaccinated, pampered (as he should be) has been diagnosed with adrenal cancer, which I have been told is very progressed and pushing up against his vena cava, I have also been told he only has one good kidney. I'm attaching his blood results and his ultrasound results.

I have joey on a raw diet of rabbit, liver, eggs, sardine or anchovies, organic purple potatoes, broccoli and coconut oil. Much of this is in rotation as he wont eat is all together, and the egg is slightly cooked as he wont eat it fully raw. Anything here not okay for cancer???

Supplement wise he is on ubiquinol for heart, a powerful mushroom supplement (no root or corn, just the mushroom) for immunity, hawthorn berry/ L-taurine combo for heart and kidney, collagen for digestion, CBD oil, and some things like MSN, glucosamine, chondroitin, etc... Is there anything else I should be giving him that may offer him both comfort and extra longevity?

Behavior is balancing since putting him on supplements, but still wants to sleep largely outside so I sleep by the door as this seems to help him. It is clear he is tryig to ground himself through the earth and moon. He is so smart and sleeping outside has without questioned helped him.

Energy is greatly impacted, but he loves stroller rides in the morning and evening and sometimes wants to walk, but he sleeps largely during the day.

Appetite still likes to eat and will asked for food

Mood my boy seems sad as if he knows he is moving towards a new phase of a different kind of life, which he does not understand and is not sure of. I tell him its all going to be okay and his doggie and kitty sibling will come get him to bring him over the rainbow bridge when its time. But I wish he could be mine forever, and I want to help him through his process with as much care, devotion, comfort and support as possible. Please offer any feedback you have.

@Dr. Barbara @Dr. Christina @Dr. jeff


  • Joey Ultrasound Results 2024.pdf
    3 MB · Views: 1
  • Joey's Blood Work Panel August 2024.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 1
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Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Sarah you are doing the very best things - love, doing what brings him joy, feeding whatever he wants.

You may want to review the hospice course by Gail Pope, listen to Bernie Siegle and the other spriitual/energy webinars we do in Jan/Feb.

Be sure you are taking care of yourself as well - getting hugs, hot tub soaks, massages - whatever strengthens you while you nourish Joey.
Dr. Christina

Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hey Sarah!

Welcome to HA! and thanks so much for making your first post (and uploading those super useful vet docs!).

I'm sorry to hear about Joey's diagnosis. :(

How's his BEAM and quality of life?
Anything here not okay for cancer???
Yes, and thanks for asking.

Cancer feeds on sugar and carbohydrates so perhaps go easy (or stop) the potatoes.

Also, it's really, really important to find foods (or treats) that he loves. The mainstay of therapy at this point is helping him to have joy, fun, play and lots of love in his life.

How's his weight? We want to focus on fats and proteins ("the ketogenic diet") so I wonder if Joey likes any kind of nut?

These would be great treats to be feeding him every few hours.

Also freeze dried chicken hearts in a snuffle mat would be wonderful.

Perhaps watch the webinar in your member area from the Ketopet Sanctuary.

Also fatty fish like salmon (low toxins) and lots of eggs (maybe add a bit of parmesan to make it even yummier).

Is there anything else I should be giving him
Yes, lots of omega-3s and perhaps things like:

And spend lots of time outside, doing fun things and letting him engage with nature as much as possible.

Please keep us updated.

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