My two dogs get acupuncture and wonder if anyone else experiences this problem or if any acupunturists can weigh in. Over the last few months, I have found needles left in my dogs after the treatment. My dog has not received acupuncture now for almost 3 weeks and today found a needle on the floor. Since she is blowing her coat I sweep every few days so sure this needle came off her rather recently. I pet and comb her a lot but this needle must have been in her for a couple weeks I assume. My conventional vet told me once that he doesn't like acupuncture for this very reason that he had to do surgery on a dog with a needle embedded in one of its organs. So is there a technique besides eyeballing if all the needles are out. I am getting VERY concerned that the vet doesn't have a way to insure that my dogs are free of all needles after the treatment. This is a rather odd issue but my dogs are old and I do not want them to undergo a surgery. Any one else have this experience or any one who does acupuncture tell me how you insure all needles are removed. The vet is very matter of fact when I brought it up the first time it happened. I am pretty upset about this.