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Search results

  1. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    Dr. Stern adjusted his Tapazole down to 1/2 tablet in the morning and 1 in the evening, and she had me discontinue giving him the Sustenance Herbs Feline Thyroid. Teddy's kidneys have always been fine. Now, the creatinine went to 1.3 and one month later it went to 1.8 (that feels like...
  2. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    I posted the newest blood work results below. Teddy has been very hungry lately and eating well, but he is not gaining weight. He weighs 16.95 pounds. He still does not have much energy, although he no longer has anemia (thank, Dr. Jean, the Standard Process Desiccated Spleen is wonderful!)...
  3. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    Teddy just had full blood work done again on Monday (June 3), and the results are very concerning to me for his kidneys. His creatinine had already gone up last month to 1.3; now, one month later, it is up to 1.8 and he is not concentrating his urine and it has some blood in it. I will post the...
  4. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    Dr. Jean, I ordered the Standard Process Dessicated Spleen to help with Teddy's anemia and should receive it in a couple of days. I have two questions about it: What dose should I give Teddy (17-pound Maine Coon cat)? It states on the bottle that it can be used short term to support the spleen...
  5. RuthR

    Question about using raw food pre-mix vs. putting supplement on food after cooking

    Thanks, Dr. Jean! I always value your answers to my cat questions. TC Feline has instructions for cooking the meat first and then adding the premix to it, but I haven't been brave enough to try it yet. It also states that cooked meat does not freeze as nicely as raw meat does, and it is made in...
  6. RuthR

    Question about using raw food pre-mix vs. putting supplement on food after cooking

    After paying closer attention to the premix I use to make my 14-year old cat, Teddy's, food (A Homemade Raw and cooked Cat Food Diet Premix/Supplement - TCfeline Plus Chicken Liver), I am concerned that, since I am now cooking most of his food, I might be cooking out all the vitamins. I was...
  7. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    Update: I received a reply from Dr. Ruth Roberts that the iodine content for the Holistic Total Body Support is 0.035 mg per serving. The other amount was from their previous formulation, and this is the new info. So, this amount of iodine seems like it would be okay for Teddy, right? Would I...
  8. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    After paying closer attention to the premix I use to make Teddy's food (A Homemade Raw and cooked Cat Food Diet Premix/Supplement - TCfeline Plus Chicken Liver), I am concerned that, since I am now cooking most of his food, I might be cooking out all the vitamins. I was looking at Dr. Ruth...
  9. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    Thank you all for your answers. I'll try to fill in some blanks and provide more information below. Teddy does not like raw liver, but I am also, for the majority of what I feed him, cooking the raw food tat I make for him. I found out since he had his episode with pancreatitis in March that...
  10. RuthR

    Some questions on new bloodwork results for my cat, Teddy

    My 14-year old male Maine Coon cat, Teddy, just had complete bloodwork and a urinalysis done yesterday. The vet tech called today with the results, and I have some questions. She said that since his CREA is now 1.3 (she also said there is something in his urine, I don't remember what), he is...
  11. RuthR

    How often can I give my cat sardines?

    Thank you, Dr. Jeff and Dr. Jean!
  12. RuthR

    How often can I give my cat sardines?

    Since April 21, I have been adding a tablespoon of pumpkin to his raw goat milk. I also started giving it to him three times a day, but these past couple of days he has been very fussy with not wanting to eat his food with supplements in it and not drinking all his milk. I'll try giving his...
  13. RuthR

    How often can I give my cat sardines?

    I had been giving my 14-year old male Maine Coon cat one sardine every three days. Recently, he has started to not want to eat his food with supplements in it (this was not a problem before). However, I can get a lot of supplements (such as his probiotic and his Omega 3 oil) in the sardine juice...
  14. RuthR

    Question about giving aloe vera juice for chronic constipation in cat

    My 14-year old Maine Coon cat, Teddy, struggles with chronic constipation. His diet is now some some raw and some lightly cooked ground chicken and chicken hearts plus a little bit of ground burger. I have read that a little bit of aloe vera juice can help. I have two questions: How much aloe...
  15. RuthR

    Teddy - cat taken to ER - pancreatitis diagnosed

    I think the ER visit was a blessing in disguise because now I know that Teddy does best on a mostly cooked diet. He has been doing so much better overall. I can't even remember how long it's been since we had this many good days in a row. I think the cooked food is easier on his digestive tract...
  16. RuthR

    Teddy - cat taken to ER - pancreatitis diagnosed

    I wanted to share an update on Teddy and post his blood work results from his ER visit. It turns out the ER visit may have been a blessing in disguise. Teddy gets some raw food with his pills and Chinese herbal powder hidden it it, but I am lightly cooking the rest of his food, and he has been...
  17. RuthR

    Teddy - cat taken to ER - pancreatitis diagnosed

    Thanks again, Dr. Jean, for sharing your cat expertise to help me take care of my baby. I really appreciate your time.
  18. RuthR

    Teddy - cat taken to ER - pancreatitis diagnosed

    Dr. Jean or Dr. Jeff, do you know anything about the quality of Dr. Andrew Jones' supplements? He has quercetin (Dr. Jones' Ultimate BioActive Quercetin for Dogs and Cats (50mg, 30 Capsules)) and curcumin (Dr. Jones’ Ultimate High Absorption 95% Curcumin for Dogs and Cats (30 Capsules)), but I...
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