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Recent content by tsharlo1

  1. tsharlo1

    Kennel cough

    Thank you for your response. Debbie
  2. tsharlo1

    Kennel cough

    Thanks for catching the “missing question”! My question: Do dogs gain immune protection from kennel cough after they have had it and recovered? Thank you. Debbie
  3. tsharlo1

    Kennel cough

    Buxton contracted kennel cough. He didn’t have direct contact with any dogs that were known to have kennel cough at the time but they came down with it 4 days later. 10 days later Buxton started with a hacking cough and spitting up white foam. I gave him throat coat tea with manuka honey. 24...
  4. tsharlo1

    Ultrasound results

    Thank you, Ginny for your comments. You make good points to think about. We just did a Cardiopet proBNP test and it came back high suggestive of heart disease. Also low cortisol that may be Addisons though we haven't completed the STIM test yet. These findings certainly point to "happiness...
  5. tsharlo1

    Ultrasound results

    Buxton is a 10 1/2 yo Bernese Mountain Dog and his BEAM has been quite variable the past several weeks. Appetite has always been good but Mood and Energy have been a concern ranging from 5-8. He has degenerative lumbar sacral stenosis, arthritis in 3 legs and is Lyme positive. He has been on a...
  6. tsharlo1

    Treatment after dog neutering surgery today

    Thanks for your reply. I have worked with Dr. Jeff since Buxton was a puppy.
  7. tsharlo1

    Treatment after dog neutering surgery today

    Thank you so much! I’m filling out the survey now and will send it to you. Debbie
  8. tsharlo1

    Treatment after dog neutering surgery today

    Buxton 10 yo BMD) was neutered June 26 due to prostatitis. Since then his energy has dropped dramatically and he seems exhausted after a short walk. He also has decreased mobility and is exhibiting pain. I question if this is due to the drop in hormones from his neuter. He also has lumbar sacral...
  9. tsharlo1

    IPhone App to Track Symptoms

    That sounds great! It sounds like you have put a lot of thought and work into it. I currently use a notebook and often forget to write down the details. I have an iPhone but have not used the notes app. The icons and automatic date would be very helpful! I would be happy to test it out! Debbie
  10. tsharlo1

    IPhone App to Track Symptoms

    I’m not aware of an app to track symptoms but sounds like a great idea! I too struggle at the end of the day to write in my journal. I think I will remember but after a couple days I realize I have forgotten what happened when.
  11. tsharlo1

    Electro acupuncture

    Thank you, Dr. Jeff!
  12. tsharlo1

    Electro acupuncture

    Thank you. I look forward to hearing what they say. Debbie
  13. tsharlo1

    Electro acupuncture

    What are the pros and cons of electro acupuncture vs dry needles? Are there specific reasons to use one approach or the other? Buxton has lumbo sacral stenosis and electro acupuncture has been suggested. The vet who I usually go to has always used dry needles but I’m not able to get another...
  14. tsharlo1

    Supplements for OA

    Dr. Jeff, Thank you!
  15. tsharlo1

    Supplements for OA

    Buxton, 10 yo Bernese Mountain Dog, has arthritis in both knees, left elbow and has spondylitis. He also has lyme (662 on C6). He still enjoys sniffing but doesn’t want to do a usual walk and will stop and tell me to turn around and go back. He has been on Four Leaf Rover Hip and Joint for a...
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