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Hard stools

The vet absolutely should have clipped the fur around the area. You can try to keep it clean with a warm compress a couple of times a day, but don't use anything else and do not put anything on it. It needs to be open to the air to heal.

Should i go to the vet again and get it clipped away ?

Only just a cloth with warm water?
And what could cause my female cat to have a ruptured anal gland?
As Dr. Jean mentioned, it's often related to the stool consistency. Also things like inactivity, obesity, etc.

And the biggest factor (IMHO) which is the susceptibility to the chronic constipation, other stool issues and anal sac rupture due to an underlying energetic imbalance.

Hot compress at least twice/day and consider adding a vet homeopath to your vet care team.
Should i go to the vet again and get it clipped away ?

Only just a cloth with warm water?
Can I use a hot water bottle and wrap a towel around it and put it on her?

Should the area be washed? For example with silver water or chlorhexidine?
As Dr. Jean mentioned, it's often related to the stool consistency. Also things like inactivity, obesity, etc.

And the biggest factor (IMHO) which is the susceptibility to the chronic constipation, other stool issues and anal sac rupture due to an underlying energetic imbalance.

Hot compress at least twice/day and consider adding a vet homeopath to your vet care team.
What do you mean with add a vet homeopath ?
@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff

Can I steam some Hokkaido pumpkin and add it to my cat's food to increase her bowel movements? Today she pooped a little on the litter box. It was a small piece of feces, small and thin in shape and hard.
Most cats won't volunteer to eat vaseline, you have to give it to them like a medicine. Easiest way is to get a blob on your finger and push it into the corner of the mouth.

Lots of choices for fiber, from psyllium powder to bran to slippery elm. A lot of cats accept a little canned pumpkin mixed in the food. Start with 1/2 tsp. and see how she does. Her stool quality should normalize.
I can find psyllium powder tomorrow and buy. How much to give ?
Can I use a hot water bottle and wrap a towel around it and put it on her?

Should the area be washed?
Compressing is sufficient for now.
What do you mean with add a vet homeopath ?
Start working virtually (or live if there is one nearby)with a veterinary homeopath.

Can I steam some Hokkaido pumpkin and add it to my cat's food to increase her bowel movements?

How much to give ?
Depending on what you buy, it may be best to start with just a pinch/meal.
Compressing is sufficient for now.

Start working virtually (or live if there is one nearby)with a veterinary homeopath.


Depending on what you buy, it may be best to start with just a pinch/meal.
Compressing is sufficient for now.

Start working virtually (or live if there is one nearby)with a veterinary homeopath.


Depending on what you buy, it may be best to start with just a pinch/meal.

Compressing is sufficient for now.

Start working virtually (or live if there is one nearby)with a veterinary homeopath.


Depending on what you buy, it may be best to start with just a pinch/meal.

Sorry i ask so much.
I'm not sure what you mean, i dont understand what Compressing means.
It is to put something warm or ?
If it is, could it be with the hot water bottle in a towel on?

Should I contact a homepath vet now and ask for advice about my female cat's ruptured anal gland and how to treat it?

If I use psyllium powder, should I give it every day and also just a small pinch of it?
@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff
The vet said it would be good to give her Paraffin Oil now to help her pass stool more easily.
What do you think?

Did you try this? You might put it into your list of things to try if you are not getting an improvement in either kitty.
Mineral oil (pretty similar or same thing as paraffin oil from my understanding) has worked best with my kitty.
If interested in trying it out, check my earlier post in this thread for detailed instructions. Pretty easy to administer.
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A compress is a warm wet cloth. The moisture is important, so don't just use a bottle, although I guess you could wrap a hot water bottle *in* a moist cloth and apply it that way. But a wash cloth soaked in hot water, wrung out and applied gently will be the most comfortable for her, and do a little bit of cleaning as well.

I wouldn't take her back to the vet now since that is usually so stressful to a kitty.

Add a pinch of psyllium powder in each meal of wet food, and a tiny bit of extra warm water too (the fiber will soak some up). I didn't see what she's eating, but do not give her any dry food, it will make constipation worse.
A compress is a warm wet cloth. The moisture is important, so don't just use a bottle, although I guess you could wrap a hot water bottle *in* a moist cloth and apply it that way. But a wash cloth soaked in hot water, wrung out and applied gently will be the most comfortable for her, and do a little bit of cleaning as well.

I wouldn't take her back to the vet now since that is usually so stressful to a kitty.

Add a pinch of psyllium powder in each meal of wet food, and a tiny bit of extra warm water too (the fiber will soak some up). I didn't see what she's eating, but do not give her any dry food, it will make constipation worse.

She eats raw meat

Today she did throw a hairball up, a large one.

When I went to the vet on Wednesday,he did feel on her and the vet said that there was nothing on her intestines to indicate that she was constipated.

Should i still give both of my cats a little psyllium powder ?
put something warm or ?
If it is, could it be with the hot water bottle in a towel on?

Should I contact a homepath vet now and ask for advice about my female cat's ruptured anal gland and how to treat it?

If I use psyllium powder, should I give it every day and also just a small pinch of it?
Yes, yes and yes!
My cat had a collar on, but she stressed about it and didn't really want to eat. So I asked the vet if she could have it off a bit and she said it was fine as long as she didn't lick the two wounds too much.

But she has now today licked both wounds again, so they both bleed.

Of course, I put more collar on her now and keep an eye on her while she has it off.

What else can I do?
And is it an idea to have her hair cut anyway, so it doesn't get into the wounds?
@Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff

I had asked the vet if I could have the collar of my cat as she didn't want to eat and was stressing a bit about wearing it. The vet said it was ok as long as she didn't lick the wound too much. But today I could see that she had licked it too much. So I went to the vet today. The vet also said that the hole had gotten bigger now, It is approximately 2-3 centimeters and that you could see the muscle tissue.

The vet said it needed stitches now. But we agreed that I would get a harder collar to take home, as the previous collar was quite soft and my cat couldn't walk properly with it on.

So we agreed that my cat will wear it all the time now, and if the wound does not start to close a little, I have an appointment already now, for Thursday where she will be anesthetized and stitched.

What is the right thing to do now?
My cat is almost 14 years old. Is it better to put her under anesthesia and have it stitched than to let her go and try to heal it herself?
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What is the right thing to do now?
Intuitively, what do you feel is the right thing for your kitty? No matter what you decide to do, she will heal as best as her body is designed to do.
My cat is almost 14 years old. Is it better to put her under anesthesia and have it stitched than to let her go and try to heal it herself?
Did your vet mention that she would still need to wear a collar after surgery?

My own experience has been with natural healing stimulated by hot compresses and homeopathy.
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