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Enjoying exploration of HA resources for kidney disease


Community Member
Oct 13, 2023
Good morning! I finally made some time in my busy schedule to begin exploring on my own in the HA resources to learn more about kidney disease. I'm so grateful for the information I am receiving from so many resources. From the articles, to webinars....I am increasing my knowledge which makes me feel more empowered or "in the know".

Tomorrow morning I am taking Bella for her annual exam at a more local vet, and this should help a little in less of a lengthy trip as in years past, and hopefully just an ounce less of anxiety for her. I decided to use the same vet that saw her sister Maya in October, as I really liked his compassion. Then, after this initial visit, I will likely begin seeing their holistic vet, Dr. Coger (who the kitties did meet during the pandemic but I have not in person due to their covid protocol).

At this visit tomorrow, my goal is to have her blood drawn. This has been a source of anxiety for her and me in the past, so I am anticipating nerves. I may try what this office did with Maya last Oct and let them take Bella out of the exam room with me. It works me up on the inside seeing her stressed out. It may be best for both of us if I am not in view of her...

As much as I am learning about her kidneys and their decreasing function, I am still hesitant to give her a gabapentin tomorrow AM but I do think it will help her. What is your opinion, @Dr. Jean Hofve ? Also, the last few days I have seen Bella standing in front of her water dish more so I was thinking of having them administer subQ fluids to help flush her kidneys. Again, Bella pretty much hates the whole vet experience so anything they do she well not be happy about. I have the set up for home administration but Bella has not been compliant in me successfully giving her fluids, even with previous tips from @Dr. Christina .

FYI - I was just watching the webinar under the kidney section under resources, and was surprised Dr. Lisa Fox was touching in iridology, something I took training on in my early 20s from I can't remember if it was Dr. Bodeen or Dr. Jensen, but I am thinking it was Dr. Bodeen, in Poughkeepsie, NY. Haven't actively practiced it in many years but how cool!
Hey Daysha!
I am receiving from so many resources. From the articles, to webinars....I am increasing my knowledge which makes me feel more empowered or "in the know".
Fantastic!! That's the biggest goal of HA! Yay!! :snowman: ?Thanks so much for sharing those kind words.
This has been a source of anxiety for her and me in the past, so I am anticipating nerves
Yes. Transcending this anxiety can be a big challenge. And it is so important to work through, for lots of reasons.

One of the big ones is something you probably already know. Stress and anxiety will affect both your and Bella's health. And the outcome of the event (in this case the blood draw).

It may be best for both of us if I am not in view of her...
Yes. It usually is.

If you decide not to use gabapentin or pregabalin (the new drug), perhaps use Stress Stopper before and during the trip.

And 3-5 Cohesive Conscious breaths as often as you think of it, will help shift your autonomic nervous system from sympathetic (fight, flight, freeze) to parasympathetic mode (rest, relax an restore).
Oh, and by Cohesive Conscious breaths I mean:

1. Close your eyes (unless you're driving;)).

2. Visualize your chest and heart center.

3. Breathe in fresh prana and energy for a count of 5.

4. Hold it for 5.

5. Breathe out any anxiety, stress or worry.

6. Paws for a count of 5 at the bottom of your breath.

7. Repeat.
Oh, and by Cohesive Conscious breaths I mean:

1. Close your eyes (unless you're driving;)).

2. Visualize your chest and heart center.

3. Breathe in fresh prana and energy for a count of 5.

4. Hold it for 5.

5. Breathe out any anxiety, stress or worry.

6. Paws for a count of 5 at the bottom of your breath.

7. Repeat.
@Dr. Jeff I caught the "paws for a count of 5...", hahahahaha. This type of breathing exercise is what my counselor taught me after dealing with stress and anxiety after losing my brother Jake. ❤️
Hi Daysha! I would not be concerned about one dose of gabapentin, it's pretty safe (probably safer than many of the sedating herbs at this point). Stress Stopper is always a good bet... start giving it now and through the day tomorrow.
Hello! OK so though I didn't have the Stress Stopper on hand per Dr. Jean's recommendation, I plugged in my Feliway diffuser to help her sister Maya for when Bella re-entered the house smelling like the vet. I did give Bella her gabapentin a few hours before the vet visit (and did reiki on the drug...it can't hurt!) and I do feel it helps ease her anxiety a little, though I must say, compared to a few years ago even when I would give her gabapentin, likely because of her gradual weight loss and kidney dis-ease, she is affected a little more and I can see more visible affects of the drug such as a little bit of staggering of the hind legs as if she is on something (which she is!).

I started giving her EFT and reiki last night, and this morning as well as on the ride to the vet. I am so glad I asked if Bella could be taken out of the room without me being with her, explaining at the previous vet when I stayed in the room with her we both would get upset when I saw her upset. This vet practice today seems to practice this anyways (removing pet from the exam room). But they made an extra effort based on my description of Bella's previous stress at the vet, to make sure the techs had their equipment ready to go and no barking dogs in the vicinity! After he took Bella away, I prayed and also gave Bella distant reiki. Lo and behold, the dr brought Bella back not very long, and he said things went great. He found Bella is easily distracted and while he drew the blood, a tech distracted her with scratching her nose or forehead. I had tears in my eyes of gratitude! How much better this went this time. I believe a contributing factor to previous stressful experiences was the one hour drive one way to the vet that I always used. Now I won't be going there anymore just because of the distance and their age. Heck, I'd be more worked up after a one hour drive to a place I didn't like! No offense, my dear veterinarians reading this!

Dr brought up Bonquat and if I was able to get his script filled. Recall, I brought this topic up recently as my local compounding pharmacy will not fill it as it's a controlled substance. The dr today thought I should be able to purchase this off the internet, do you agree this is a possibility? I found it hard to believe honestly.

Also, is there any homeopathic remedies I may have in my pharmacy at home you recommend for a general detox of helping her rid the gabapantin out of her system?

I will be sure to share Bella's test results tomorrow. Blood AND urine! You heard that right. My girl let them extract a urine sample....all while NOT sedated like August 2023 at that very stressful visit where they could not get a manual blood draw. @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve
Yay! Great job supporting Bella, Daysha!! You used a bunch of awesome holistic actions.
The dr today thought I should be able to purchase this off the internet, do you agree this is a possibility?
Perhaps call Wedgewood compounding pharmacy. They do lots of vet drugs and should have a DEA license:

Also, is there any homeopathic remedies I may have in my pharmacy at home you recommend for a general detox of helping her rid the gabapantin out of her system?
Great question! IMHO, this would not be a place for homeopathy. Better to optimize her natural detox systems which you can do through optimizing her BEAM, lots of fluids (does she like chicken broth, extra treats, a bit of extra fiber (Metamucil, psyllium, etc) and keeping her purring as often as possible for the next few days.

Letting her body do its job (which it will).
Yay! Great job supporting Bella, Daysha!! You used a bunch of awesome holistic actions.

Perhaps call Wedgewood compounding pharmacy. They do lots of vet drugs and should have a DEA license:

Great question! IMHO, this would not be a place for homeopathy. Better to optimize her natural detox systems which you can do through optimizing her BEAM, lots of fluids (does she like chicken broth, extra treats, a bit of extra fiber (Metamucil, psyllium, etc) and keeping her purring as often as possible for the next few days.

Letting her body do its job (which it will).
@Dr. Jeff awesome advice...thank you!!
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