How Can I Treat My Pet’s Dandruff?

Answered by Dr. Christina Chambreau

White flakes on my black fancy suit. White flakes all over my house. White flakes on my dog’s hair coat, especially if it’s a black lab, you really see those dandruff flakes. Sometimes there can be itchiness, as well. So, what can you do to treat dandruff? 

Build Your Pet’s Overall Health

Well, the very best thing to do for dandruff is to build your pet’s overall health. When a dog is completely healthy they not only don’t have dandruff but they don’t have a doggy odor and don’t need any bathing. Now, while you’re working to build health, and the Holistic Actions! website actually has a lot of tips for you on how to build health, especially in our Holistic Pet Health 101 course

Natural Home Remedies

Other things you can do would be to bathe your dog with herbal shampoos, but you want to be careful not to dry out their skin. In this case, I’d suggest maybe every two weeks for that kind of bathing. Brushing every day, twice a day is always good and it’s sort of like getting a massage, so dogs love getting that. Omega fatty acids are really good, including ones with DHA and EPA. 

Holistic Treatments 

Those are some treatments that can make a huge difference for your dog. Now, if dandruff persists you may want to use deeper treatments that completely rebalance and build the health of your dog. Things like homeopathy, chiropractic, osteopathy, and Traditional Chinese Veterinary medicine. All of those can permanently get rid of dandruff. 

Seek Professional Veterinary Help

Now, just a little caveat here: Some dandruff could be caused by real skin conditions. If there’s a lot of itching or hair loss, it’d be good to go to your veterinarian. This is another reason for having a holistic veterinarian to go to as they could perform a skin scraping or see what else might be going on. They could determine if it’s mites of some sort that is causing it. 

I’m Dr. Christina Chambreau. I’m a licensed veterinarian and I’m with Holistic Actions! where you can find out more about anxieties. Hope to see you.

Suggested Treatments: 

  • Bathing
  • Brushing
  • Building health

Related Symptoms: 

  • White flakes on skin
  • White dust on your furniture
  • Itchiness

DISCLAIMER: Holistic Actions! does not provide advice on certified medical treatments. Content is intended for informational purposes only and to equip you with the tools needed for Holistic Medical Decision Making (HMDM). It is not a substitute for clinical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. Never use content found on the Holistic Actions! website as the basis for ignoring advice from your veterinarian to seek treatment. If you think you may have a veterinary emergency, please call your vet or an animal hospital immediately.


Dr. Christina

Christina Chambreau, DVM, is an internationally known homeopathic veterinarian and associate editor of the Integrative Veterinary Care Journal, she’s written several books on animal healthcare. 

After opening her own homeopathy veterinary practice in 1983, she founded the Academy Of Veterinary Homeopathy and was on the faculty of the National Center for Homeopathy Summer School for ten years.

Dr. Christina is also an integrative medicine adjunct faculty liaison for the Maryland Veterinary Technician Program and lectures on a wide array of topics including integrating holistic options into veterinary practices, as well as guidance on how to choose the best approaches to heal animals and sustainability.

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