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What to feed an 8 week old kitten? Raw or wet?


Community Member
Jun 24, 2021

I don’t have experience with kittens. A friend adopted an 8 week old kitten and asked me what food she should buy. I told her to sign up for HA and she will but needs a recommendation asap. Should she do formula, wet food or raw?
Thank you!!
@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve
Hi Anna! Thanks for helping your friend out! Does she know what the kitten has been fed before? Usually it's best to stick to the same thing and gradually transition to whatever diet she wants to use. I certainly recommend a balanced raw diet (a commercial raw diet made for all life stages will be easiest) or a good quality canned food. At 8 weeks there is no need for formula, kitty should be on a regular food.

If you can get more details about the kitten's history, let us know and we can make more specific recommendations.
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