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Wendell isn’t putting full weight on her right hind leg with some limping


Community Member
Dec 13, 2023
After playing fetch yesterday, I put Wendell in her crate for a few hours. When I returned, she was limping and not putting weight on her right hind leg. She doesn’t want to jump onto a chair and walking up steps isn’t easy. I immediately thought I should try to find a vet opened Saturday morning to see if it is serious. Do I need an Xray, etc? I’m sure I can’t see my regular vet any time soon.

I then read all the previous posts regarding limping but still am not sure how to handle this situation. I have my consultation with Dr. Cooney on February 8.

@Dr. Jeff
@Dr. Christina
If she can put any weight on it at all, and is not shrieking in pain when you palpate it, you can probably wait a few days.

Think what you would do if you sprained an ankle and had trouble walking up the stains, would rather not put weight on it, but could if you needed to.

Would you rest it or go straight to ER?

do some of the energy healing we discuss on the site, gentle massage, some stress stopper, rescue remedy or other flower essences.

Keep us posted on how she is doing.

Dr. Christina
Dr. Christina,
Thanks for your wisdom and shinning a broader perspective on the situation. Im so used to running to a vet when unfamiliar situations present themselves. “Be safe than sorry.” I did give her rescue remedy and Perelandra’s emergency for animals solution.

She seems much better today. She’s been putting more weight on the leg and jumping onto furniture. Think she still needs to rest the leg. Not completely back to normal. So no fetch for awhile.

Fantastic that she's already better!

This is a great example of a stressor (maybe she twisted something or came down wrong) and her body's normal response = inflammation.

The hallmarks of this normal response are pain (causing the lameness) and sometimes redness, heat and swelling:

IMAGE injury-inflammation.jpg

In addition to rest and what Dr. Christina mentioned, perhaps consider a dose or two of homeopathic Arnica to help her heal.

And of course, record in detail in the dog journal, all treatments given and responses.
Dr. Christina
Fantastic that she's already better!

This is a great example of a stressor (maybe she twisted something or came down wrong) and her body's normal response = inflammation.

The hallmarks of this normal response are pain (causing the lameness) and sometimes redness, heat and swelling:

IMAGE injury-inflammation.jpg

In addition to rest and what Dr. Christina mentioned, perhaps consider a dose or two of homeopathic Arnica to help her heal.

Thanks, Dr. Jeff, Fortunately her leg seems not to bother her at all now. She’s been jumping into chairs, running, and putting weight on the leg. still trying to avoid fetch for a little longer. Will get some arnica. Thought about it but didn’t know how to dose her. So thanks.

You're welcome Joe.
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