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Vitamin and mineral supplementation frustration

@GinnyW I got her the rib bones and they are about 6 inches long with a thin layer of meat. However, she really did not chew the bone down like she has knuckle bones. It seems they were too hard and I noticed just chips out of the top of the bone. I actually fed her all 6 at once (Don't yell at me :)) She chewed the meat off but like I said made only a chip at the top of the bone. Are those fragments a problem for her GI tract? I also purchased the MCT oil and will start that tomorrow but increase slowly to 1 tsp. I think we discussed chicken hearts in another conversation. Funny, so funny, when I threw a couple to her the texture weired her out. She took it in her mouth and spit it out but then ate it. When I put them mixed in her food, she ate them. I think in the recent webinar series by Dr. Jeff Grognet, someone was talking about the texture of organs feeling like a raw fish--EXACTLY what I experienced feeding them separate.
I think it would be best to avoid these bones - make soup or something out of the rest of them:) Or, you can just take them up when she gets all the meat off. The important concept here is edible bone, which is why we stick to pork, lamb, goat, or smaller, like chicken, turkey and rabbit. It's always a dog-by-dog thing, but I wouldn't risk her chipping teeth on these. The fragments will normally pass, but if they don't could cause a problem. My big guy got a turkey drum knuckle stuck up his bum, two or three days after he ate it. Should have been digestible, but each dog, each bone, and each day can be different, so keeping track is always a good idea. Oh, and my boy loves his whole raw sardines....they're all different, and can change.
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