I have been looking closely at a number of "recommended" vitamin and mineral products that are to have a good reputation. I am very disappointed.....and wish I could find one that doesn't have one or more reasons to disqualify them. Examples include...the other day we heard of the importance of D3 in the webinar, so why do supplements contain the INactive D2 instead of D3. One is ergocalciferol and the other is cholcalciferol. Also, the B12 is not up to my standards. Cyanocobalamin is toxic to dogs especially those with kidney or gut issues. When my Gabby had the PLE I saw this research. The holistic vet was giving cyanocobalamin as an injection which I stopped. Why not give methycobalamin--do companies not know about this preferred form which is also more bioavailable without the cyanide toxicity? Then there is the selenium, selenite is commonly used even in "good vitamins and food that is rated favorably. Or the form of selenium is not stated. Strontium is listed as a mineral in one of the "better" choices. Strontium is one of the elements found in ocean fish nowadays from nuclear accidents so why would I want it in my dog? I hear of Seaweed calcium which I have but is it supposed to be given in addition to a multivitamin---so confusing as to what a dog needs. We heard of the importance of magnesium in the webinar yet I feel the levels in vitamins are woefully low.The supplement I have here is 140 mg for a 50 lb dog. Does that balance the calcium? I feel that is too low. Then there are the vitamin companies that do not even list amounts---so called good companies. Why put maltodextrin in the product? If nutrient deficiencies cause cancers then why can't there be a product that covers all the bases and also in forms that do not cause or exacerbate disease. So I am on the hunt for something that meets my muster and not having luck...not even with the one mentioned in a webinar recently. WHO is formulating products with the faux paux's I mention above? Any thoughts?