New community member and first time posting! Excited to be here and finding like minded people.
1. Beau, 5ish years, male
2. yes on 6/29/23, OCD symptoms seemed to start after surgery although I had only had him a few weeks at that point and not totally sure. Needed to neuter in order to adopt.
3. American bully aka mixed breed
4. 49 - 51 lbs
5. B - blood in urine at end of pee and with straining, leaking urine when excited, petted, or on the way to go on walk - can’t wait to get outside (has a history of this but definitely worse now - I almost think he needs pulsatilla but materia medica says that’s more for females), history of increased thirst and urination, seems to avoid drinking water from his stainless steel bowl, prefers ceramic, mucus lining on poop (added cottage cheese and eggs to diet this week per Dr Hamilton book on homeopathic care for chronic kidney disease), OCD with sticks, pulls on leash like he’s manic, eye buggers - sometimes yellow
E- energy good but not as hyper i think bc he’s scared he’ll leak urine or the feeling of having a full bladder prevents him from getting too excited
A- hungry, ravenous even
M- stressed, anxious, separation anxiety, OCD about sticks, maybe a little sad or subdued (new symptom), not as affectionate (new symptom)
6. home cooked trying to heal kidneys. on advice of a MM healer, feeding mostly fruits and veggies with raw meat, marrow bones and supplements. Now concerned his veggies are making his urine too alkaline so do I add more meat?? Where should I source meat? Everything is either really expensive or loaded with toxins. Started adding cranberry and vitamin c and calcium per Dr Hamilton book. Also cottage cheese and eggs as I mentioned previously.
7. I’ve been avoiding the conventional vet since i adopted him. They don’t believe me he has kidney issues bc his bun and creatinine are within normal range. I don’t want to vaccinate until his kidneys produce normal, concentrated amounts of urine and i know they’re flushing toxins out. Last round of all standard vax was when he was in the shelter in 6/2023.
9. worse when touched and excited
10. No, bc I don’t want to treat conventionally. I believe this is evidence of his kidney issues affecting a less serious organ (bladder) and that he’s actually healing and getting better. Prior to this, I have been doing bloodwork with a homeopath that I was seeing in person and I’ve taken him to the vet a few times for gastro issues and whenever I go, I ask for bloodwork to be done to assess his kidney levels. Most current was Bun 19 Creatinine 1.5, no SDMA taken. This was on 2/8/25.
11. Kidney issues have so far only been treated with homeopathy and subq fluids although now he won’t accept the fluids bc he’s deathly afraid of needles. Previous homeopath gave him Calc Carb 200ck, 2x but then we stopped seeing each other. I gave Sarsaparilla 200ck, 1x on 3/9/25 when straining and blood first started
12. Kidney/OCD/Anxiety/PU-PD/Diluted urine. Would like a primary care vet who won’t push the vaccine agenda and a holistic doc to manage/treat his symptoms. And if i can find a holistic doc that can do all of the diagnostics of a conventional vet, even better!
13. @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve not sure who else to tag since I’m new
1. Beau, 5ish years, male
2. yes on 6/29/23, OCD symptoms seemed to start after surgery although I had only had him a few weeks at that point and not totally sure. Needed to neuter in order to adopt.
3. American bully aka mixed breed
4. 49 - 51 lbs
5. B - blood in urine at end of pee and with straining, leaking urine when excited, petted, or on the way to go on walk - can’t wait to get outside (has a history of this but definitely worse now - I almost think he needs pulsatilla but materia medica says that’s more for females), history of increased thirst and urination, seems to avoid drinking water from his stainless steel bowl, prefers ceramic, mucus lining on poop (added cottage cheese and eggs to diet this week per Dr Hamilton book on homeopathic care for chronic kidney disease), OCD with sticks, pulls on leash like he’s manic, eye buggers - sometimes yellow
E- energy good but not as hyper i think bc he’s scared he’ll leak urine or the feeling of having a full bladder prevents him from getting too excited
A- hungry, ravenous even
M- stressed, anxious, separation anxiety, OCD about sticks, maybe a little sad or subdued (new symptom), not as affectionate (new symptom)
6. home cooked trying to heal kidneys. on advice of a MM healer, feeding mostly fruits and veggies with raw meat, marrow bones and supplements. Now concerned his veggies are making his urine too alkaline so do I add more meat?? Where should I source meat? Everything is either really expensive or loaded with toxins. Started adding cranberry and vitamin c and calcium per Dr Hamilton book. Also cottage cheese and eggs as I mentioned previously.
7. I’ve been avoiding the conventional vet since i adopted him. They don’t believe me he has kidney issues bc his bun and creatinine are within normal range. I don’t want to vaccinate until his kidneys produce normal, concentrated amounts of urine and i know they’re flushing toxins out. Last round of all standard vax was when he was in the shelter in 6/2023.
9. worse when touched and excited
10. No, bc I don’t want to treat conventionally. I believe this is evidence of his kidney issues affecting a less serious organ (bladder) and that he’s actually healing and getting better. Prior to this, I have been doing bloodwork with a homeopath that I was seeing in person and I’ve taken him to the vet a few times for gastro issues and whenever I go, I ask for bloodwork to be done to assess his kidney levels. Most current was Bun 19 Creatinine 1.5, no SDMA taken. This was on 2/8/25.
11. Kidney issues have so far only been treated with homeopathy and subq fluids although now he won’t accept the fluids bc he’s deathly afraid of needles. Previous homeopath gave him Calc Carb 200ck, 2x but then we stopped seeing each other. I gave Sarsaparilla 200ck, 1x on 3/9/25 when straining and blood first started
12. Kidney/OCD/Anxiety/PU-PD/Diluted urine. Would like a primary care vet who won’t push the vaccine agenda and a holistic doc to manage/treat his symptoms. And if i can find a holistic doc that can do all of the diagnostics of a conventional vet, even better!
13. @Dr. Christina @Dr. Jeff @Dr. Jean Hofve not sure who else to tag since I’m new