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Ultrasound results


VIP Member
Aug 14, 2017
Buxton is a 10 1/2 yo Bernese Mountain Dog and his BEAM has been quite variable the past several weeks. Appetite has always been good but Mood and Energy have been a concern ranging from 5-8. He has degenerative lumbar sacral stenosis, arthritis in 3 legs and is Lyme positive. He has been on a raw diet his entire life.
He has acupuncture, ozone, laser, PEMF and red light to help. His favorite things to do is sniff..... including checking out our property every morning to see which animals visited, scent work, and snuffle mat.

The past week I found 3 lumps on him. Today he had an ultrasound and a few things came up. One of the lumps is vascular and possible osteosarcoma, his gallbladder is filled with mucous and she felt he should start medication right away (he has vomited about once a week) she oted thickening of the heart wall. The other 2 lumps are possible lipomas.

She suggested a biopsy and CT scan. My local vet wanted me to do a fine needle aspirate of the lump but I resisted concerned that poking at it could cause it to get "angry" and make it worse. Is that a valid concern or is an aspiration or biopsy necessary at this point?

I have a consult appointment with a surgeon next Tuesday. I have an appointment with Dr. Jeff but also wanted to post here to get more thoughts.

Thank you.
I'd think that you need to figure out if there is anything you might discover that would make a difference right now... It sounds as if he has the best possible quality of life already, with your lovely treatments and his activities. What are the various discoveries, and where would they lead you, in terms of outcomes?
In any case, I would redouble any of the "happiness protocols" you already use. And try to add even more emotional interest and happiness - if not to aid him through diagnoses, then just to enhance his overall interest and enjoyment of life. Put these measures foremost and just see what lies ahead.
Ask him what he wants you to do, and respect his wishes if he doesn't want to get messed with, at any point. Love to you both!
I'd think that you need to figure out if there is anything you might discover that would make a difference right now... It sounds as if he has the best possible quality of life already, with your lovely treatments and his activities. What are the various discoveries, and where would they lead you, in terms of outcomes?
In any case, I would redouble any of the "happiness protocols" you already use. And try to add even more emotional interest and happiness - if not to aid him through diagnoses, then just to enhance his overall interest and enjoyment of life. Put these measures foremost and just see what lies ahead.
Ask him what he wants you to do, and respect his wishes if he doesn't want to get messed with, at any point. Love to you both!
Thank you, Ginny for your comments. You make good points to think about. We just did a Cardiopet proBNP test and it came back high suggestive of heart disease. Also low cortisol that may be Addisons though we haven't completed the STIM test yet. These findings certainly point to "happiness protocols" being most important.
I'm thankful for HA! and members like you responding.
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