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I was at a somewhat local store and they offered a sample of Ultra Oil. I am attaching the description of it. Would this be a good oil to TRY to give my cats Chewey or Tigger since they are both itchy and have had some dandruff within the past year?
Quickie analysis: It is almost half pro-inflammatory Omega-6 (linoleic acid), with the Omega-3s mostly plant-based (alpha-linolenic acid). ALA is good for skin, but it doesn't have the anti-inflammatory properties that fish oil does. Cats do not need Omege-9, it's just added calories. Though it claims fish oil as an ingredient, EPA (the anti-inflammatory Omega-3) and DHA aren't even mentioned in the analysis, so are likely at an insignificant level.
What is Ultra EFA Essential Fatty Acid Supplement for Dogs and Cats by Rx Vitamins? Ultra EFA is a concentrated fatty acid supplement for dogs and cats featuring high-grade marine lipid concentrate and liquid lecithin.Marine lipids are rich in the Omega 3…
Thanks everyone for the great answers and questions! Yes, they both eat raw frozen since last September/October. They are both also licking and ingesting a bunch of hair and we have throw up hairball issues I was also hoping to alleviate or lessen. The dry skin seems to go up and down. Here's a picture of it using a flea comb tonight. Chewey is white and long hair. Tigger is short and dark hair.