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Time sensitive decision for sick kitty


Jun 24, 2021
I’m working Saturday and Sunday and going out of town on Monday for 5 days and concerned about my cat who doesn’t seem like she’s feeling well today. She slept in, and isn’t interested In eating. She has swallowed and licked her lip a couple times as if her tummy is off. She’s not wanting to move too much. Her Beam is off. It’s not like her at all. Because I’m going out of town I’m worried I won’t be around to monitor and make appropriate arrangements to help her and am
Feeling pressured to take action now to see what’s wrong vs if I was going to be home I could take my time and monitor and not jump go to vet. I wonder if I give her nux vomica, could this help in the meantime or will it camouflage the root problem which then will still go on when I leave town and my cat sitter may not be able to give her meds unless it’s snuck in food. Trying not to stress out. Thank you for your guidance. Anna

@Dr. Christina @Dr. Jean Hofve @Dr. Jeff
How young is she?

How was she yesterday?
Anna, do you already have a phone consulting holistic vet on your team? An animal intuitive/communicator? If so reach out to them.

I just saw your answer in June that you have Dr. Herman. Be sure to call her today, especially if she has been treating recently (after he was not well in June).

And have you learned (or have a friend) who does any kind of energy work? Remember to do that. If not, sit quietly beside her and send loving, healing intentions to her. Squash your worries and see all being well. And you can do it remotely several times a day when at work or away. If when driving to work on Sat/Sun you can listen to Kathleen Prasad - she does a webinar of doing reiki without training - more in depth that I said. And hear more when Dr. Jeff interviews her at the Sacred Summit.

Has she ever had problems like this in the past? did Nux help then?

Were you very stressed before she became ill?

Dr. christina
Anna, do you already have a phone consulting holistic vet on your team? An animal intuitive/communicator? If so reach out to them.

I just saw your answer in June that you have Dr. Herman. Be sure to call her today, especially if she has been treating recently (after he was not well in June).

And have you learned (or have a friend) who does any kind of energy work? Remember to do that. If not, sit quietly beside her and send loving, healing intentions to her. Squash your worries and see all being well. And you can do it remotely several times a day when at work or away. If when driving to work on Sat/Sun you can listen to Kathleen Prasad - she does a webinar of doing reiki without training - more in depth that I said. And hear more when Dr. Jeff interviews her at the Sacred Summit.

Has she ever had problems like this in the past? did Nux help then?

Were you very stressed before she became ill?

Dr. christina
Thank you, I am doing this now sitting next to her and petting her gently to sleep while sending healing energy. It turns out she has texted postive for the protein Giardia. Not the actual Giardia itself. The vet said most likely she doesn’t have a lot of it. She recommended starting panacur medication.
If we decide to treat her with this medication, is it a harsh medication? Is it highly toxic? Dr. Judith is helping us and she seems to be responding to it, which is good. Unfortunately, I’m going out of town for five days Monday morning. The first two days a new cat sitter is going to drop off food morning and night. Nobody will be here to observe her. Wednesday through Friday a familiar cat sitter will sleep here. I will read and listen to everything you recommended. Thank you!
panacur medication.
If we decide to treat her with this medication, is it a harsh medication? Is it highly toxic?
@Dr. jeff I started Jinxie on Panacur medicine today for Giardia. I got my other cat tested and he is negative. Is there anything to be concerned about giving this medicine? The dose is 2.6 ML once a day for 7 days. She was a feral and living with me only indoors except harness sniff walk on front and back patio. She is 3 1/2 years old. Should I be giving her any supportive supplements or vitamins? Thank you!

@Dr. Christina
I got my other cat tested and he is negative.
Is there anything to be concerned about giving this medicine?
Nope. It is super safe and is even available over the counter:

In fact, fenbendazole (the active ingredient in Panacur) is helpful for all kinds of other things like cancer, general inflammation, etc:

Should I be giving her any supportive supplements or vitamins?
What does she eat? Does she have any current symptoms or past health challenges.

Nope. It is super safe and is even available over the counter:

In fact, fenbendazole (the active ingredient in Panacur) is helpful for all kinds of other things like cancer, general inflammation, etc:

What does she eat? Does she have any current symptoms or past health challenges.
Hello @Dr. jeff i am relieved to hear this. She hasn’t had illness except when she was under 1 years old when she had an eye infection which I think the doctor said was some form of herpes probably from being a feral in the streets. We treated it with drops and she has not had it again. The only other thing was when she had some hair loss around her eyes and a little bit around her mouth.

Prior to starting the panacur treatment I was giving her vimergy micro vitamin C, Barley juice, grass powder, vitamin B12 and zinc.

Thank you very much for your guidance. I really enjoyed the Chinese medicine webinar last night. I tell every person I come across who has a pet about holistic actions. Even when I was at the vet the other day picking up jinxes’s medication I gave your information to a woman there with her cat.
Thank you Anna! I appreciate the word of mouth buzz about HA!
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