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Thuja & Lyssin Protocol


VIP Member
Apr 14, 2019
Hello, an animal chiropractor recommended that I follow a thuja & lyssin homeopathic protocol to help my dog detox from vaccines (she had received several right before I adopted her 2 years ago, but none since). She said this was a protocol from Dr. Jean Dodds. Is anyone familiar with this and have used it? Was it helpful? Is it safe to use with any dog or any health condition? My dog is a 12 y.o female german shepherd.

Thank you,


Dr. Jeff

Feb 23, 2017
Hi Jill-

Wow, thanks so much for asking your awe-some questions!

Let's first put them into context.

Our friend, who we absolutely love, Jean Dodds (she's visited for 2 Empower Hour! webinars so far and is joining us again on 4/29 to discuss Nutrigenomics) is not a homeopath.

Thuja +/- Lyssin routinely after rabies is not something either Dr. Christina or I would recommend.

What we would recommend however is "fine-tuning" homeopathic treatment 6 (or more) weeks before vaccination.

Along with any needed treatment 2-4 weeks afterward.

Treatment based on the symptoms of the individual after vaccination.

Symptoms like the EWS (early warning signs of internal imbalance) and BEAM (behavior, energy, appetite, mood).

There are hundreds of different homeopathic medicines that might be indicated. Thuja and Lyssin are only two of them and they both happen to be deep-acting remedies.

Routine administration of them can trigger new problems.

It's much better (IMHO) to optimize internal equilibrium (balance) before any stress (not just a vaccine).

Doing so is both good medicine and good homeopathy.

Other vets disagree with our understanding of Hahnemannian homeopathy.

This partially depends where they were trained.

European vet homeopaths practice a bit differently.

Let's see what Dr. Sara (she was trained in England) says...

Dr. Christina

VIP Member
Jun 15, 2017
Jill, especially since you may be seeking homeopathic care for Faith with her mobility issues, I would not give "homeopathic medicines FOR any specific problem", like vaccines given years before. Thank goodness you have not been vaccinating since then.

Reading the vaccine forum column, and the homeopathy column will give you lots more information.

Basically, each animal has a vital force (energy field) that has unique sensitivities and weaknesses. Some are breed related, like German Shepherds have an increased tendency to getting Degenerative Myelopathy and Brachiocephalic dogs have an increased tendency to long uvulas impeding breathing.

When a vital force is sensitive to vaccines (or diet, pollutions, flea control, etc) it is pushed off balance and it generates symptoms to become balanced again. It is possible that the spinal and rear limb problems are from all the vaccines she may have gotten until you adopted her. If yo begin to work with a great veterinary homeopath, they may decide to use a medicine that, in testing and in practice, corrects imbalances in animals that have had problems after vaccination. Or they may realize that the condition is unrelated. They have 4,000 medicines to choose from, not just 2 "for vaccines".

Many dogs are vaccinated and show no specific problems, others are never well since being vaccinated. While even some homeopaths, and many on the internet, suggest homeopathic medicines after any vaccine, or to be given to every animal who was ever vaccinated, the suggestions include Thuja, Lyssin, Hypericum, Apis, Ledum, combination medicines, Heel homeopathic combinations, medicines made from diseased tissues (nosodes) or from the vaccine itself. Hmm...now you can see that they cannot all be correct.

The power of homeopathy is to find the one medicine that fits the symptoms the individual is showing at this time and in the past, especially those that are unique. If you take the May 4,5 class you will learn all about this.

Just to be clear - I do not recommend giving thuja or lyssin to Faith at this time.

Dr. Christina


Just to say that I heartily concur with both Christina's and Jeff's comprehensive answers! Homeopathy works with the body, and with what the body shows us in terms of weaknesses. We find answers by observing what the body tells us, not primarily by reading characteristics of remedies.

Dr. Sara

VIP Member
HA! Faculty
Dec 30, 2018
During the three years of my homeopathic education with the Homeopathic Practitioners Teaching Group in Oxford (UK), we discussed different ways of approaching the thorny subject of vaccinating, vaccine reactions / vaccinosis, and nosode use. There are diverse opinions on the subject, many discussed in Saxton and Gregory's "Textbook of Veterinary Homeopathy".

In general, homeopathy is most appropriately used in response to the signs of the patient. If the patient has no signs, there is no need to give a homeopathic medicine. An exception to this may occur in miasmatic prescribing, where one is aware of inherited tendencies in a given breed. Dr. David Lilley, a homeopath treating people, discusses how he has used this in treating multiple generations in his practice, and I have done this to a small extent with cancer prone breeds.

As detailed in "Textbook", many homeopaths use a course of disease nosodes (to the disease for which the animal will be vaccinated) before vaccination to prevent vaccinosis. This practice is not used by all homeopaths. I use either nosodes or vaccination, depending on the desires of the guardian.

When people want vaccination, I do give a single split dose of Ledum. A vaccination is a contaminated puncture wound, and Ledum is indicated in treatment of contaminated puncture wounds.

Vaccinosis, when it occurs, should be treated with appropriate constitutional prescribing. Sycotic homeopathic medicines like Thuja and Medorrhinum may be used, but virtually any medicine may be appropriate, as Dr. Jeff states above, depending on the patient's signs.

Lyssin is an exceptionally powerful homeopathic medicine, and I would never use it without a clear indication. It has been described as one of the nosodes that is likely to cause proving effects, or worse.
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VIP Member
Apr 14, 2019
Drs. Jeff, Christina, and Sara, Thank you all for your clear responses and recommendations. I feel much better knowing now that i didn't miss giving Faith something that could have been helpful to her. I have been wondering if i had given it to her would it have helped things not to progress as they have. I"m glad to know I made a good choice here in that it may not have helped or could have potentially even made things worse.

Would you have the same recommendations for treating with other over the counter homeopathic meds such as using T-relief or Arnica for pain? Do this work since it may not be necessarily treating at a constitutional level?

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Dr. Sara

VIP Member
HA! Faculty
Dec 30, 2018
Symptomatic treatment is not necessarily a problem. I will recommend and take symptomatic homeopathics in a low potency, even when an animal (or person) is under constitutional treatment.
If the problem appears to be a recurrence of a constitutional problem, then re-evaluation of the constitutional prescribing is in order.
If I bash my toe, I will likely take Hypericum or Arnica. If a dog is stung by a bee or wasp, I will probably suggest Apis or Ledum.
I use low potency in such cases, choose the single medicine to fit the acute symptoms as closely as possible, and use it for a limited period.
Certain homeopathic medicines are well established as valuable in certain first aid / acute situations, yet one must take care to choose the appropriate medicine for the signs.
The beauty of homeopathy is that it is individualized medicine. That requires us to observe, and choose wisely!

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